Ep. 15 : A vampire bite

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   At the evening of the same day, Russia invited Canada and his Slav squad to the Eastern Europe to visit their distance relatives, Serbia, Bulgaria and Macedonia with their friends, Greece and Romania. They made an appointment to meet each other at Greece country. Russia took Canada across the boarder through Belarus country. He picked up Belarus and turned to Ukraine country. He also picked up Ukraine. Four of them had a journey across Romania country, through Bulgaria country and entered Greece country.

   A few moments later, all of them were arrived. Russia greeted everyone and had a little conversation. Then he started to introduce Canada and they also introduced their friends.

Russia : Привет всем. Это Канада, наш новый друг с континента Северной Америки. (Hello everyone. This is Canada, our new friend from North America continent.)
Bulgaria : турист? (A tourist?)
Russia : Да, она выглядит красиво, правда? (Yes, she looks nice right?)
Canada : Umm....H-Hi.
Greece & Romania : What are they talking about?
Bulgaria : Хей. Това са нашите Гърция и Румъния. (Hey. These are Greece and Romania our friends.)
Serbia : Не могу да говоре наше језике, тако да у реду с њима разговарају на енглеском? (They cannot speak our language so talk to them in English okay?)
Russia : Okay!
Ukraine : Чи можу я піти пограти з дядьком Македоні? (May I go play with uncle Macedonia please?)
Belarus : Я таксама. (Me too.)
Russia : Да! (Yes!)

   After they had done the conversation, they separated ways to hang out with each other. Belarus and Ukraine were playing with Macedonia. They wanted Macedonia to tell them a fictional story of Alexander the Great. Greece went out to the market to buy foods to treat everyone. Russia brought a souvenir and gave it to Serbia. Meanwhile, Canada were talking with Romania about some stuffs.
"Hey Romania, do you think vampires are exist?" Canada asked.
"Yes of course, vampires are real." Romania answered.
"Have you ever seen any one of them?" Canada asked.
"Yes! I've seen once." Romania answered calmly.
"Really!? Where?" Canada asked.
"I don't know where. I can't remember. But I'm pretty sure that I've seen one." Romania answered still calmly.
"Do you want to see a vampire?" Romania asked quietly.
"N-No! I'm scared of them." Canada answered nervously.
"I'm sure you want.....Ahahahaha.....Aheheheheh......MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!" Romania said quietly at first but then he went crazy.
"R-Romania! What's wrong with you!?" Canada asked surprisingly and nervously.
"N-Nothing. I just feel crazy sometimes. Don't worry." Romania tried to calm down and explained nervously.

   Suddenly, Greece came back from the market and opened a huge box of traditional Greek food. He settled the dishes for everything and put foods in each of them's plates.
"καλή όρεξη Malaka." (Enjoy your meal Malaka.) Greece said and everyone started to eat their foods.
"Mhmm....This is very delicious." Canada said nicely.
"I'm glad you like it." Greece replied.

   After they had finished their meals, they were about to say goodbye to each other and leave. But suddenly, Romania blocked the way out.
"Excuse me Romania but may I walk pass this way?" Canada asked politely.
"No, I'm not full yet." Romania answered creepily.
"If you're not full yet, you can ask Greece for more foods." Canada told him.
"No, I don't want foods but I want blood....." Romania said even more creepily. He revealed his fangs even though he had no mouth but he had only 2 fangs without a mouth. And then his eyes turned to glowing crimson red. It's colour like a blood.
"W-Wha-....!!!!" Canada was shock but suddenly,




   Canada was too scared so she couldn't move. She covered her eyes. But when she opened her eyes, she was shocked because Russia got bit by a Romanian vampire. Russia lied on the ground with bloods covered his face.
"RUSSIA!!! NOOOOO!!!!!" Canada screamed and cried while Belarus and Ukraine turned around. They also saw bloody Russia lying on the ground. They also cried hardly. Their tears fell down from their eyes like a rain.
"Everyone! Please help me take him to the hospital! Now!" Canada commanded and everyone helped her to take Russia to the hospital.

   Canada, Belarus and Ukraine sat in front of an emergency room in the hospital. They were hoping that Russia would be safe. The doctor was doing a surgery for Russia.
"Думаеце, Расея будзе ў бяспецы?" (Do you think Russia will be safe?) Belarus asked worriedly.
"не знаю але я сподіваюся, що так." (I don't know but I hope so.) Ukraine told her. Both of them cried in Belarusian and Ukrainian language. Canada also cried. "Oh Russia, you sacrificed your life for me. You are very glorious. I hope you are safe. You saved my life. I....love you Russia." Canada whispered to herself while crying hardly.

   A few moments later, the doctor came out of the surgery room. He said "You can go meet the patient right now." All of them's eyes were widen. Belarus and Ukraine quickly ran into the room. Canada walked followed them into the room. They saw Russia was sleeping on a hospital bed. Actually he was fainted. His countryball body was wrapped in a long bandage around the half of his countryball body. Belarus and Ukraine stood next to the hospital bed and hugged a fainted Russia gently.
"Is he safe now?" Canada asked the doctor.
"Yes, he is alive but right now he is faint. He need to stay 1 more night at this hospital after that he can go home." The doctor said.
"Thank you so much doctor. I will pay the medical treatment expense for him." Canada thanked the doctor and sat on the sofa in the room to wait until the next day come.

(To be continued...)

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