Ep. 4 : Untrustworthy

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(Russia POV)
After I sent Canada, I got back to Moscow my capital city. I was imagining all the time that me and Canada went to the trip together for the whole day. It was so fun and happy especially when I was with her. OMG! I liked her a lot. I don't know why but it was kinda like a love in the first sight.

I arrived at Moscow and got a phone call from China my neighbouring country in the southern direction.

China : Ni Hao Russia. Can I talk to you for a moment?
Russia : Yes China. What is it?
China : This morning, I watched you across our border land and I saw you were hanging out with Canada for the whole day. What did you do with her?
Russia : I-I just...took her to the snow festival in Saint Petersburg. A-And...also....bought our...winter hats. That's it!
China : Don't you know that she is USA's younger sister.
Russia : Yeah I know.
China : Don't you hate USA?
Russia : Yes, I do. I really hate him because he took some part of my land as his 'Alaska'. I wish one day I could get my land back as Alaska.
China : Yeah, I know how much you hate USA. I hate him too. If you hate him and why did you have to be nice to his sister?
Russia : Because Canada is not USA. They are siblings but it doesn't mean that they should be the same!
China : You shouldn't trust a woman like her.
Russia : Don't judge Canada! You don't know her well. She is WAY CUTER than you think! I like Canada. That's it!
China : Oh! I see. You are blinded by her beauty right now.
Russia : CYKA BLYAT!!! You don't understand me dude! I don't want to talk about it anymore.
China : Okay dude, I just worried about you. I'm afraid that she would take advantages and benefits of you. If you don't believe me then....good luck. Zàijiàn!
Russia : Bye~

I hung up from China's call. I still didn't understand why did he have to be suspicious of Canada. She looked perfectly fine to me. I went to bed and slept. I waited for the next day to come so that I could meet Canada again.

(Canada POV)
   At night, I was video calling with USA my brother before sleeping because he called me. He asked me a few questions.

USA : Hey Canada. How was your day today?
Canada : Today is totally amazing! I went to the snow festival at Saint Petersburg. It's the best winter I've ever had.
USA : Oh nice. I'd love to see the pictures there.
Canada : I can send them to you. I took a lots of photographs there.
USA : Alright, send them to me in the messenger.
Canada : Sure!

   I sent USA a few pictures of me at the snow festival. I chose some beautiful pictures of them. And one of them were a picture of me and Russia together in front of a huge ice sculpture.

USA : Oh! They are so beautiful. This picture is good.
Canada : Which one?
USA : The one with Russia in the picture.
Canada : Do you think so?
USA : Yes. You guys look cute together. Do you like Russia?
Canada : Umm....I don't know. *thinks* Ewww!
USA : You should like him.
Canada : Why?
USA : Because I ship you both.
Canada : Noooo!!!! Bro! This is not good!
USA : It's my order Canada. Do you want Alaska?
Canada : Why did you bring this topic?
USA : I know you want it. Right?
Canada : Yes! How did you know?
USA : Because I read your diary.
Canada : GRRR!!!! America!
USA : Whoa Whoa! Calm down sis. I will give Alaska to you.
Canada : Really? Thanks!
USA : After you get married with Russia.
Canada : Wait What!?
USA : Yes sis. I promise that I will give Alaska all to you after you get married with Russia.
Canada : Are you kidding me?
USA : I'm not kidding.
Canada : Okay fine.
USA : Good girl. Bye~

   He suddenly hung up my call. I didn't know why did he really ship me and Russia even if he saw just a picture. I don't even like Russia. I like to stay with him just because I want to take advantages of him. That's it. I didn't know what was in USA's mind but this was not a good idea to get married with Russia. It was kinda like a force marriage and I didn't like it because I didn't like to be forced. All I want was just Alaska. I couldn't believe that he read my diary. Even Russia, he had never obtrusive me but my brother did. But I was so sure that USA must have a plan for sure. He never ship anyone for no reason. I thought he might want to take advantages and benefits for Russia for sure. Maybe he wanted a larger land than Alaska. That's why he said that he would give away Alaska to me. Maybe he wanted to return Alaska to Russia and take a larger land from Russia. I knew him very well.

(To be continued...)

Alternate Future of Russia and Canada 🇷🇺✖️🇨🇦Where stories live. Discover now