Ep. 2 : Destiny

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(The next morning)
Canada woke up from her bed and did her daily routines. After she finished, she got a video call from USA. Canada received the call and talk to USA in the morning.

USA : Hello sis, what time is it at your place?
Canada : It's 7:30 am in the morning. What about you?
USA : Right now is about 22:20 pm here in Texas.
Canada : What do you want to talk to me bro?
USA : I'm just gonna check that you're okay.
Canada : I'm fine bro.
USA : So, which country have you been to? You didn't tell me before leaving.
Canada : It's Russia bro. I'm at Saint Petersburg right now. It's very beautiful town and the climate is also great too. The snow here is so beautiful.
USA : Wait what!? Russia!?
Canada : Yes, why?
USA : N-Nothing sis, I'm gonna go to sleep now bye.
Canada : Bye~

After that, they hung up. Canada walked out of the hotel to the town again. She saw a beautiful snow festival in Saint Petersburg, Russia. She took some selfies with them until it was lunch time. Canada walked inside some restaurant without knowing that it's a bar. She ordered some dishes of traditional Russian foods. She ate them peacefully until someone broke the silence.

They were a group of 3 countryballs. They were Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The 3 siblings that Canada met the previous day. Russia sat on the table next to Canada and ordered their foods. They were a little bit noisy so, Canada got annoyed. She quickly finished her dishes so, she could leave them as soon as possible.

   Canada called the waiter just about to pay the bill but someone called him before she was about to speak.
"Простите, сэр, можно мне бутылку водки, пожалуйста?"
(Excuse me sir, can I have a bottle of vodka please?)
"да сэр, Ну вот"
(Yes sir, here you go.)

The waiter served Russia a bottle of vodka and he left then Canada called him again.
"Please Checkbill."
"Yes sir."
Canada paid the food price and got up from the table. She was about to walk out of the restaurant but someone called her.
"Hello there pretty Canadian girl. It's so nice to see you again."
Canada turned her back to see and she found Russia was talking to her so, she replied him.
"H-Hey...it's n-nice...to see you too..." Canada replied him nervously. Actually she didn't really want to meet him but she tried to be polite.
"It's seems like a destiny that we meet again. Do you think that?" Russia asked her sweetly.
"Y-Yea.....I...guess..." Canada replied him nervously. *thinks* "It's not even a freaking destiny. I don't even want to meet you."

Russia then started to compliment her nicely again and again. It made Canada felt happier even though she didn't want to meet him. Then Russia asked her. "Canada, can I have you phone number?"
"Sure. My phone number is +1035282974" Canada replied
"Thank you. Here's my phone number +7009845623." Russia said.
"Maybe we could hang out sometimes." Russia told her.
"Okay, sure!" *thinks* "hell no!" Canada nodded then she walked out.

Russia walked inside the restaurant and continued eating foods while Belarus was a little bit jealous on Canada for being prettier than her and Ukraine kept making fun of Russia.

Ukraine : брато, я справді відправлю тебе з нею
(Bro, I really ship you with her.)
Russia : Зачем?
Ukraine : бо ти її любиш
(Because you love her.)
Russia : почему ты так думаешь?
(Why do you think that?)
Ukraine : чесно, ви двоє виглядаєте мило разом.
(Honestly, you two look cute together.)
Russia : Ummm.... *says nothing but blushes*
Belarus : чаму вы лічыце, што яна прыгожая? Я значна прыгажэйшая за яе!
(Why do you think she's pretty? I'm much prettier than her!)
Russia : хорошо, давай не будем говорить об этом. сменим тему.
(Alright, let's not talk about this. Let's change the topic.)
Belarus & Ukraine : Okay sure!

   At the evening, Russia texted Canada in a message. Russia said that he would be a tour guide for her if she wanted. Canada refused at first but when Russia said that he would pay a ticket to the snow festival for her then she quickly accepted. Russia told Canada his appointment that they would meet each other at Saint Petersburg Cathedral in the next morning. She was so glad to get free ticket. She thought to herself "Maybe I can use benefits of this guy. Even though I don't really want to meet him. But this time I really want to see him."
Canada smirked and thanked to Russia then she said good bye to him and turned off her phone. She changed the battery to prepare for the next day so that she could take a lots of pictures there.

(To be continued...)

Alternate Future of Russia and Canada 🇷🇺✖️🇨🇦Where stories live. Discover now