Chapter 28 - "It's Panda-monium!"

Start from the beginning

"M-maybe she was kidding," Tsumugi responded, hopefully.

Puzzled by their transparent murmurs, I primmed my mouth. "Hello?"

Shaking her head, Kiharu gripped my shoulder. "Listen, Shiina. You're in a situation millions of girls would kill for. Hell, the entire world. I'm over here beside myself with jealousy as we speak." She knitted her eyebrows. "Please tell me you've at least considered the possibility of dating one of them."

"Again, what are you talking about?"

"Banri Taniguchi, your loyal servant who worships your existence every chance he gets. Issei Enatsu, actor extraordinaire, whose auditions you usually tag along on to support him. Hachiko Ogami, the slaphappy ray of sunshine that can't leave you alone. Jin Narumi, the coolheaded prince with a sensitive side," Kiharu listed off. "There's also Daisuke Kamakiri who you sometimes ditch us to spend lunch with. Not counting that dwarf Igarashi."


"Don't 'and' me!"

"You must like one of them, right?" Tsumugi goaded.

Craning my neck, I said, "I mean. . . I guess."

Kiharu snatched my collar, successfully choking me. "'I guess'? Ya' have the nerve to say 'I guess'? Take that back before I shove my fist down yer throat—"

"I don't know what you want me to say," I pleaded. "I really haven't thought of them like that!"

"Then start thinkin'!?"

"Kiharu, she gets it," Tsumugi interjected, yanking her arm.

She freed me. I rubbed my neck in distaste.

Folding her arms, Kiharu hummed. "It's not that hard. If it were me, I'd one hundred percent go for Upperclassman Enatsu. He's the best option."

"Best?" I parroted.

"Upperclassman Taniguchi is overbearing. Ogami frankly never shuts up; I'd rather die. Narumi's face annoys me. Igarashi's diminutive, so gross. Kamakiri's twisted personality sounds like a headache—big pass." She clapped my shoulder. "Perfect. We agree. Make chocolates for Upperclassman Enatsu and we'll call it a day."

At least now I could see where Kiharu's tastes aligned. . .

Sighing, I brushed her away. "Fine. I'll make chocolate."

Tsumugi sparkled. "You will?"

"You'll never shut up otherwise. But I'm giving some to all of them. That's non-negotiable."


"They've done a lot for me," I silenced Kiharu. "This can be my way to return the favour."

She wasn't impressed. "That's basically obligatory chocolate, then."


She dramatically heaved. Tsumugi giggled.

"Oh my gosh, it's Narumi!"

The whispers that pervaded the gymnasium shattered our exchange.

Girls nearby were twittering, gazes fixed straight ahead. On the opposite side of the court, the boys were casually taking shots at the net. I spotted Igarashi, basketball tucked under his arm, casually conversing with a happy-go-lucky Hachi. Then, standing independent of the circle and observing his peers with not so much a change in expression was the object of my classmates' affection: Jin Narumi.

"He's so hot," a girl sighed on.

"You can never tell what he's thinking, like his entire heart is frozen solid," another gushed.

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