Chapter 31 - "I Want To Be With You"

Start from the beginning

I tittered in remembrance. How long ago was that now? Three years? "You cheered for me so loudly."

"Why wouldn't I? You were genuinely amazing."

"Yeah, but I'm sure if you acted like you didn't know me, you'd have scored a record deal with that company that day."

"I wouldn't want to sign to a company who belittled you. Besides, at the company I'm with now, my manager and co-workers let me brag about you whenever I want."

"You brag about me?"

"Every day."

"Aww. I'm touched."

"Who's on the phone?"

Dad made an appearance by the doorway, followed by Chie. Mao craned her neck, addressing them in my place.

"Rin. He's inflating his ego, as usual."

"Rinnosuke?" Dad demanded.

"Oh, Mr. Naoto, you're there too?" Rin-Rin had heard his voice. "Wazzup, sir?"

"I should be asking you that," Dad replied, approaching my bedside. "I see and hear about you everywhere."

"Man, I'm even attracting the attention of old men? Tell your colleagues to protect their wives. My charm is separating families as we speak."

Dad crinkled his nose. "You're as delightful as I remember. . ."

Rin-Rin laughed deeply. "Speaking of wives, I hear you're getting it on with a colossal beauty! Chie, was it? Tell me, tell me. How far have you two gone? Have you banged yet?"

A blush seized his cheeks. "Hey! Watch your tongue!"

"Can't even give a straight answer? How guilty are ya' old man? Is your bed still in one piece—"

"Rin-Rin," I interjected, rolling my eyes. I'd long enclosed my palms over Mao's innocent ears. "Shut up."

"Yes, yes, Shii, my love," he cooed.

"I've heard so much about you, Rinnosuke." Tittering, Chie entered the conversation. "Didn't expect you to be such a chatterbox, though."

"Oo! Have I been graced by Her Majesty Chie herself? That voice alone can purify my soul."

Chie snorted. "Aww."

"Hear that, old man? I'm stealing your fiancee's heart right in front of you. Whatcha gonna do?"


Inwardly, I couldn't contain my amusement. Rin-Rin got along with anyone. Even through the phone, he lit up the room. It'd been forever since we bantered like this as a group. Before his tour and other idol endeavours, Rin-Rin visited practically every day, so my house was never without idle laughter. He bantered with Dad every time too. Part of me had forgotten what it was like without him gone.

From there, Rin-Rin inquired Dad and Chie's upcoming wedding date. Probed Mao's 'magical' adventures in both life and school. I'd filled him in on nonsensical topics also. Before I'd realized it, an hour had passed in a whirlpool of merriment and hilarity.

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