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Draven's side of the bed is made when I wake up making me pout a bit. I know he's a busy man but every time I woke up last night his big arms were wrapped around me and would pull me closer when I wiggled around. I roll off the side of the bed and tuck the duvet back so it isn't quite so messy. I skip to the big door excited that I'm up and about again.

I fling the door open and skip through it but a hand snags my arm, yanking me to a halt.

"GIO!" I squeal throwing my arms around him. He grunts using one of his big hands to lightly tap my lower back.

I pull away, threading my fingers through his and pull him down the hall to my own bedroom. He taps the door closed behind us with his foot and lets me drag him to the bed.

"You sit, I have to shower and get ready but I'll be out soon!"

I hear the soft poof of my bedding being squished and decide that's his version of an 'okay'.  I gather a pair of overall shorts, a white tank top, and a pair of panties before scurrying into my bathroom. I take my time in the shower lathering my hair up with yummy shampoo and conditioner, shaving and washing my face. By the time I'm done my entire mirror is covered in steam and my skin is solid red with a touch of steam coming off of me.

I lather my legs and arms in lotion before slipping into my outfit for the day. I toss my hair into two dutch braids- like the girls from my show- and scrub my teeth clean, feeling like a new woman.

I smile to myself at how smooth my legs feel as I waltz into my bedroom where Gio looks like he hasn't moved a muscle. He raises an eyebrow at my outfit but whatever he's thinking isn't enough to make him break his silence.

I clap my hands heading for the door, "C'mon G we have things to do!"

I hear him stand but can't hear any other noise behind me. I know he's following me, he's just an extra quiet person. My feet pad against the hardwood floors making up for his lack of noise.

Gio follows me into the kitchen where we first met, stopping to stand at the outer corner of the big island.

I pull the fridge open, twirling back and forth from cabinet to cabinet.

"Do you know if Draven has eaten yet? We can bring him some food if not," I catch a glimpse of Gio's skeptical expression, "well I don't know how you would know! You know what, even if he has eaten we can bring him food anyway. Boys are always hungry right? Oh, I shouldn't use that word right? Gunner hates when I call him and Ranger boys they think it's insulting their man cards but I don't really know what that means. Boy is just a gender so I don't see why I can't use it, you and Draven are boys and I'm a girl, right? Right, glad we cleared that up. You know you're a really good listener- e voilà!"

I pat my hands together dusting off pretend debris, and gesture to the platter of cut-up sandwiches and fruit.

"Mangia, Mangia Gio devi morire di fame! Stare fuori da quella porta tutta la mattina da solo," I scold pushing a clean plate towards the hulking man.

He eyes me but grabs three full sandwiches piling his plate high.

"Un po ' di frutta anche voi heathen," I giggle scooping some berries next to his sandwiches. Gio tears into his first sandwich glowering at the colorful fruit salad I placed in front of him but doesn't object any further. I stack the food on a carrying tray along with two glasses of ice water.

"I'm going to bring this to Draven," His eyebrow raises and despite his hunched over form I can still read him, "I'll be fine! You sit and eat, it's good for digestion."

I hurry out of the kitchen before he gets a chance to stop me. I almost trip over my feet but manage to balance myself quickly enough that only a little water escaped it's home. When I get to Draven's office door I glare at it intently. Both of my hands were holding up the heavy tray and I didn't want to kick the door- that felt disrespectful.

My face lights up with an idea and I press my back against the door, nodding my head back a few times so Draven could hear me knocking. 

"Entrare," his deep voice grumbles.


I hear some shuffling around and then the door that was helping me keep my balance suddenly disappears. I stumble backward too shocked to do anything other than gasp. I crash into Draven's warm chest and he somehow manages to steady me and swipe the tray of food out of my arms without so much as dropping a blueberry.

I steady my breathing and glance up at his handsome eyes, "Suprise?"

My heart expands when I see his lips part to let a genuine laugh escape, leaving a smile in its wake.

"Oh, my Little one what am I going to do with you?"

I step away so I can turn to face him fully, "eat lunch with me?"

He balances the tray on one arm and lets the other fall to guide me to his big office chair.

He takes a seat, depositing the big wooden tray in front of him, "Thank you, darling, you're a perfect surprise."

He motions for me to sit on his lap, I hesitate for a second before crawling onto his thighs and curling into his chest.

"Gio and I didn't know if you had eaten yet but I figured you're so busy all the time so I thought you might be hungry."

Draven wraps his big arms around me, shifting us closer to his desk. He gently hands me a half of a heart-shaped sandwich, taking the other half for himself. He presses a kiss to my forehead and encourages me to take a bite. I nibble at the crustless bread staring up at him.

"How's your day been, my sleepy girl?"

I shrug and lay my temple against his shoulder, "It just started but good. I showered and got ready then Gio and I went downstairs and talked while I made food. He's eating in the kitchen right now."

Draven glances at me skeptically, "You and Gio talked? "

"Mmhmm," I hum nodding my head observing the layers of my veggie sandwich.

He puffs a breath out of his nose shaking his head lightly but doesn't say anything else. I finish my half sandwich and grab the bowl of fruit.

I happily plop a piece into my mouth crunching on the sweet watermelon. I grasp a green grape between my thumb and pointer finger, raising it to Draven's mouth. He lifts an eyebrow but parts his lips just enough for me to slide the sphere past them.

The crunch of the grape is masked by the office door slamming into the wall beside it.

Draven's hand cups my head to his chest but I can see the gun in his other hand making me go still. He holds his aim for a long second before dropping it and placing the safety back on.

His hand slowly releases the pressure against the side of my head allowing me to see who the intruder is.

My eyes widen in disbelief, "Trovato?"

I'm a day and a half late but I'm trying my best 😩.

Translations: Eat eat gio you must be starving! Standing outside that door all alone...

And some fruit you heathen


Little QueenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang