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Idalia's POV


For the past two hours, I've been falling asleep and then jolting awake at every sound due to my nerves. Despite sleeping pretty much the entire car ride here I'm exhausted and can't handle being so on edge any longer. I nervously slip from my covers, still too scared to look anywhere but my feet as I shuffle to grab the fluffy robe from the back of the closet door. My hands twist together squeezing hard as I approach the door.

I reach for the L shaped doorknob and cautiously press it down. When it's opened just enough I slip out, gripping the handle hard behind my back.

The big guard stares down at me blankly.

"Uhm, I- I need to speak with your Don, p-please."

His eyes scan me up and down making my knuckles go white with how hard I'm gripping the door.

"The don is sleeping."

I nod shakily, "Yes, I-I know. I need to see him anyway."

"The don is sleeping," is all he says back.

I take a deep breath, "he told me to come if I needed anything, excuse me."

I try to slip past but he grabs my upper arm firmly, causing a pinch of pain. I turn, scared he might do something if I try to escape but his partner quickly pulls his hand off me, giving the mean guy a stern look.

"End of the hall ma'am."

I give him a small smile and rush away not wanting to be around the mean one any longer than necessary. I knock softly on the double doors that separated Draven and I but he doesn't answer. I'm about to go back to my room when I catch the mean man staring at me and decide to slip into Draven's room even if he isn't awake.

I silently shut the door behind me without so much as an audible click and then I'm frozen in my spot. I really don't want to bother him and he's been awake for so long while I slept for the entire drive but I'm too scared to go back to my room, even if the nice guard is there. I stare straight ahead of me into the darkness and slide down with my back pressed against the door until I'm sitting with my knees to my chest. I hug my arms around them and bite my lip so it'll stop wobbling.

I don't know what to do.

I'm sniffling lightly and trying so hard to hold back my tears that I don't hear the tick of a gun being cocked. A small whimper escapes my throat but I keep any tears from falling.


Another click and then he's shuffling around.

"Idalia, what's wrong?" He flips on his bedside lamp and rushes over when he sees me sitting on the floor.

His hands cup my cheeks and force me to lift my head to look him in the eye, "What happened little one?"

I shake my head, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you."

His eyes are still searching my body for injuries, "It's okay baby, can you tell me why you came here?"

"I just- uhm, could you maybe" I start to tear at my bottom lip, "can I not have guards outside my room please?"

His eyes darken and for a second I think I've done something wrong.

"Did they do something, did they hurt you?"

I shake my head but my throat is throbbing with the need to cry and I don't want to speak any more.

"Tell me what's wrong little one, I can't fix it if I don't know what's wrong."

I sniffle and the tears finally win, gliding down my cheeks, "I just- I don't know them and no one's awake and my door doesn't have a lock and the tree outside my window keeps moving, e le ombre mi spaventano e quella grande sembra cosi 'cattiva che non li voglio li', per favore."

Draven gathers me into his arms and carries me to his bed. I curl up in his lap as he rocks me from side to side, "Shhh you're okay little one, I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking. I should have known you wouldn't be comfortable with two strangers outside your door. We'll put a lock on your door and you can pick your guards, okay? Shhh, you're okay my beautiful girl."

He holds me until I quiet down, only sniffling occasionally with my face pressed into his chest. His warm palm is running down my hair, a familiar motion that's both comforting and simultaneously making me miss my family even more.

"You're okay my pretty girl, you're okay," he whispers.

I can feel his shirt is wet from my tears which makes me smile a little bit, "I think I owe you a few new shirts."

His chuckle shakes me up and down, "I don't mind little one."

I giggle with him and wrap my arms tightly around his firm torso, "I'm sorry that I'm such a burden."

He pulls away and grips my chin, forcing me to look at him, "You are in no way a burden to me okay? Never."

I gulp but his firm eyes make me nod my head with him.

"Now, why don't you spend the night in here, I'll sleep on the couch and we'll get a lock installed tomorrow, yes?"

I glance around the room, which was much brighter than my own due to a wall of windows, and nod hesitantly. I may not know Draven well but along with my growing trust in him, Papa trusts him enough to watch over me for possibly the rest of my life if things don't go well back in Italy.

"Okay let's get you tucked in then," He says laying me down under the covers and turning the lamp out. "I'll be right back try to relax."

I nod as his hand ghosts over my hair as he turns for the door. He slips through a small crack in the doors and then the room is dark again. It's suddenly just as scary as my bedroom and the only solace I have is that he's going to be back in a few minutes.

I clutch the edge of the blanket until the sliver of light returns and Draven's footsteps sound out.

"Where'd you go?" I ask.

He grabs another blanket and a pillow from a closet, "just to let your guards know they can go back to their normal stations for now."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I should have known you wouldn't be comfortable, tonight's on me okay?"

I don't need to be able to see him to know that he's not going to give up even if I keep fighting him on this.

"Thank you for being so kind," I whisper turning on my side to watch him as he makes his way to the couch.

"Always my little one, now get some rest."

I watch him make his bed on the long couch and settle in until I can't keep my eyes open any longer then drift off.


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