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Ranger brought me to the kitchen after my panic attack in papà's office and we've been here ever since. I was finally starting to calm down a bit and then Draven walked in upsetting me all over again.

I clutched Ranger's broad shoulders and dig my face into his neck, repeating my facts. Time seemed to become nonexistent as Ranger's large hand moves over my hair and down my back lulling me into a catatonic state. I'm still hurting but it's peaceful kind of hurt. I'm exhausted and my eyes are drooping but just as I'm about to fall asleep the kitchen doors slam open making me jump.

Ranger holds me tight against him, unflinching at Gunner's abrupt entrance. He storms toward me, pulling me from my big bear and stuffing my face into his chest.

I can tell he's almost as upset as I am and stay quiet, just wrapping my arms around his torso and squeezing.  He stands there rocking us from side to side with his chin resting on my head. I can feel his heartbeat pounding against my forehead and wait for it to slow before pulling away.

"Where is Maxy?" I ask tilting my head back to see Gunners face. His expression drops from a somewhat calm one to one bordering anger.

"He's off the property," Gunner grumbles pulling me to a barstool near Ranger.

"What do you mean he's off the property?" I question not understanding why Maxen would have left, especially after the news Papà dropped earlier.

Gunner shrugs, "I'm sorry my little queen I saw him take off just before I came in here."

I hear Ranger grumble something to my right but he does it under his breath and I can't make out what it was.

I stay silent trying to figure out what to say next.

"What, uhmm, I don't think I know how to... be, without you guys and Maxen," I say staring at my fingers as I twist them up.

Both of them are quiet, then Ranger's big hand covers both of mine.

"You, my little queen, are the strongest person I know. You've been through more in your short life than most of the men in this family who are twice your age. You can get through anything."

I shake my head back and forth rapidly.

"No no I'm not strong, I'm weak. I cry and panic and get upset until you guys fix me. You're strong I'm not," I say gulping deep breaths to try and keep more tears at bay.

Gunner tucks a stray chocolate strand behind my ear, "You are Idalia, you're so strong you just need to embrace that."

They were both wrong but I didn't have the energy to fight them anymore.

"I think I'm going to go to bed. Will you please have Maxy come see me when he gets back?"

Gunner purses his lips but nods before leading me to my room with Ranger silently following.

They close the doors softly behind them once I'm tucked under my heavy duvet.

Light sniffles echo through my room until finally the exhaustion from today drags me under.

When I wake again it's dark outside and my clock flashes 2am. I wonder why Maxen didn't come see me but I'm sure he was tired from whatever he had to do today. I slip on my fluffy robe and some slippers and shuffle from my room.

My night guards are standing outside the doors as stoic and silent as ever. They never really speak to me, like most of the family. I'm not really sure why no one likes me, maybe it's because I'm the reason they're all moving to Italy. One of them follows me to the kitchen and the other stays back guarding my now empty room.

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