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Idalia's POV


Time drags by, the days that have passed since Ranger called feel like months. I only ever see Gio, Draven is too busy trying to coordinate some of his men shipping out to find my family while the rest continue their work here at home.

I'm asleep before Draven even has time to eat dinner and by the time I wake in the morning he's working again and I can't bring myself to interrupt. Papa always had Maxen keep me away when he was especially busy because I talk too much. I know that I can be a nuisance when I'm around and I don't want to bother Draven when he's already doing so much for me. 

Gio is still a lot like Ranger was when he first joined the famiglia. He tenses when I hug him and never really smiles- though I've found that that particular trait seems to plague most made men. Gio doesn't accept much love from me but I'm going to change that, Draven being so busy just means that I get more time to work on Gio.

I rush from my closet to the doors, knowing that Gio is waiting right outside my room. My shoulder clips the door as it swings open, spinning me off balance.

"Ouch," I grumble, pouting as I rub my shoulder.

A large hand gently wraps around my upper arm, holding me in place. Gio's other hand moves mine out of the way so he can scowl at my throbbing shoulder. He stares at it for a moment, lightly brushing a finger over the red patch before nodding to himself and releasing me.

"You're okay."

I smile softly, " It just surprised me."

His eyes flicker over me for a brief second longer before he turns away. It takes a second for my brain to register that he left and I have to jog to catch up.

I stretch my strides out to try and stay by his side but have to grab his arm to slow him down a bit. He glances over and immediately slows down when he sees how far I'm stretching my legs with each step.

"Where are we going?"

"Food, gym, then you need to pick another guard," Gio grunts.

I nod following along with a silent smile. Draven mentioned that I would have two guards a while ago so it makes sense that we need to pick another. Besides, it's not fair of me to expect Gio to watch me all of the time.

The people around the house part for us as we approach and I realize that all of them look scared. I shake my head sadly, no wonder Gio's always so grumpy, no one ever talks to him. A rush of emotion makes my heart clench and I wrap both of my arms around Gio's arm and lock my fingers between his.

His body jerks to a hault making me stumble, "What are you doing?"

I glance up through my lashes and give him a big smile, "Hugging you."

He stares at me harder, "Why?"

I squeeze his arm with all of my strength and then release the pressure, "Because I wanted to."

He blinks a few times and then continues on as if I'm not attached to him. I grin and swing our arms back and forth as we walk. Now when people see us they not only move out of the way but stare with open mouths as we pass.

Draven might not know this but Gio is actually a really good cook. We don't eat with the rest of the family so Gio makes breakfast and lunch for the two of us. I was making the food for a while but he said that I was going to make him fat if I kept cooking so every morning he forces me to sit at the counter while he makes us food. He also makes me drink a yucky smoothie every morning even though I always put up a fight.

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