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"Draven," I test "that is very unique. Does it mean something?"

Draven smiles, "Everything means something little one, would you like to dance?"

I hesitate but decide that yes, I would like to dance. Besides, I should thank Draven in some other way for getting me a cider and taking my mind off of Maxen. 

"I would, thank you." I place my hand in his extended one and allow him to lead me to an open spot on the dance floor. The orchestra had started playing more modern music, and by the time we reached the dance floor they were playing Perfect by Ed Sheeran. I begin to get excited, not only am I making a friend, we get to dance to one of my favorite songs. 

Draven leads our movements flawlessly, if I thought Maxen was impressive Draven blew him out of the water. We twirl around the floor, Draven's arms keeping me close until he has to spin me and then he pulls me right back into place. 

The song merges from Perfect to some other song with the same tempo, Draven doesn't seem to notice the shift though because we just kept dancing. A grin stays plastered to my face for all three songs we dance to before we get interrupted. 

"Idalia! Where have you been! Your father told you to stay by my side when he wasn't with you!" Maxen came rushing to my side, lightly gripping my bicep. "Cazzo sai quanto ero nel panico quando non riuscivo a trovarti? A cosa stavi pensando? Ho cercato dappertutto!" 

I stare at Maxen while he rants switching between English and Italian, something he only does when he is really upset. 

"I am sorry Maxy I couldn't find you when papà left-" I start to explain but Draven cuts in.

"You will remove your hand from her arm, or I will remove your hand from you. Now." His voice is so calm it takes me a second to understand what he just said. 

Maxen finally looks at who I am with and his face pales just slightly. "Mr. Kingston, my apologies, I did not mean to be so rude. However, I am under orders by Don Calabrese to stay at Idalias' side at all times." 

Draven's face doesn't move. "Release her arm." 

I glance at the contact point he is speaking of, looking at it it did seem as if Maxen were hurting me but in reality, the touch was soft, kind as always. 

"It is okay, he would never hurt me. Look," I say peeling Maxens fingers away showing that there wasn't even a red mark. 

"Maxy, mi dispiace, non volevo spaventarti," I say giving him big eyes so he will forgive me. 

He rolls his eyes with a sigh, "Next time you can't find me just stay where you are or find security and have them contact me. Come dinner is about to be served."

"One more dance Maxy and then we can go sit?" I beg gripping Draven's suit coat. 

Maxen's eyes flicker between Draven and I before he concedes, "I will be standing right there, come to me when you are done." 

I grin nodding my head and turn back into Dravens arms, he immediately picks up where we left off. We were moving slower this time, allowing for more conversation. 

"Your name is Idalia?" 

I smile politely "Yes, most people do not call me by my name though."

He hums gently, "And what is it that they call you?" 

I shrug and spin under his arm, "Whatever they like. Most people give me nicknames as you did. Piccola regina seems to be the most popular among the family." 

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