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Gunner's POV


What?! Gunner's POV is this even a thing??? Who knows... anyway this is a thank you early update because Little queen has not only hit 5 THOUSAND reads and is quickly approaching 6 thousand, but also hit #1 in Don and #16 in innocent which are both pretty huge categories and my mind is completely blown. Enjoy a little peek into Gunner's mind. Also sorry to you Maxen lovers. 

Forewarning there is a lot of swearing in this chapter. 


I storm out of the Don's office after being dismissed using every ounce of control I have to not slam the door behind me. I don't understand how he can stomach doing this to his daughter. Idalia is the purest person I've ever met, despite everything she's been through she's a ray of sunshine. She would fall apart without one of us with her though, this would wreck her.

The days Ranger and I spend guarding her are my favorite, much better than going on runs or even out of the country. Back when Range and I had first joined up I had requested to be Idalia's primary guard but her father refused. She grew up with Maxen, he was only ten years older than her but the guy had practically raised her. He was there when she was born, helped her learn to walk, ride a bike, climb trees, hell he was there to kiss her scrapes better when she fell from the trees, he was there for everything her father missed. I understood why he wouldn't take him away from her just because some punk kid wanted to be around his daughter more but I settled for being around her whenever Maxen needed to leave. 

I'm mindlessly storming through the estate fuming from the scene that happened minutes ago when I slam directly into Maxen in the foyer. Before I can even steady myself he's headed for the front entrance with his chin tucked and a bag in his hands. 

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" I growl spinning him around by the shoulder. 

"Fuckin out that's where I'm goin," He says turning to leave again.

I slam him against the closed doors with my arm across his neck.

"You're just gonna leave? Cause who gives a fuck that Idalia's suffering right now right? Things get a little too rough for you now that it's not all sunshine and rainbows?" I snarl glaring at him. 

He shoves my shoulders, making me stumble back. 

"Fuck off you don't know what you're talkin' about."

I let out a loud laugh, "No, what I know is that you were too chicken shit to even look at her while she begged you to tell her what was going on, she needed you to let her know that she was going to be okay and you pussied out. What I know is that since you started actin' like this to her I've had to calm more attacks than I've had to in the past two years. You don't deserve that girl or an ounce of her love and I swear to god if you leave right now, if you leave when she needs you the most I'll fucking rip you apart and toss you in the ocean for the god damn sharks do you hear me?"

He looks fucking furious but I can't bring myself to give a damn.

"Attento a come parli, I may tolerate you for her sake but I'm still your superior."

His threat does nothing for me, I'm too fired up to give a damn if he tries to take a finger off when we get to Italy. Cause we both know there's no way he's sticking around long enough to see Idalia off. 

"Vattene, mi prendero ' cura di lei. Non ha bisogno di te," I scoff walking away. 

He was a piece of shit for doing this to her. He didn't deserve his rank, he didn't even deserve to be in this family if he was going to pussy out when it really mattered, especially with Idalia. 

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