Pauline Camille Garcia

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HI! ^_^ Meet our protagonist…..

Hi! I’m Pauline Camille Garcia, 15 years of age, high school graduating student. I’m medium in height, not too short or too tall. I have long black hair, 2 inches after my waist. I have pinkish white  skin and dark brown eyes . Some people telling me that, I look lovely. The hell I care.  Anyways ulila na ako, I believed that my father died because of a plane crash and my mother died because of the same thing too but she would be still alive right now if I just help my mother get out of that plane before it was eaten by the huge flame. I’m not blaming myself because of what happened but I feel a little hatred inside of me, for me. Neither me nor someone can explain. I’m from a not so rich family but simply rich family but, that was only when my father and my mother is still alive. The 3 things that they left me was our house, their love for me and memories. I don’t have any relatives, that’s what my parents told me. So I’m standing on my own and raising up myself, to work and to survive. 9 days after that accident, I started to see images that lasted for not more than a second. But as the years past, I think it became even worst, I started to dream and see images that lasted not more than 2 or 3 seconds then it vanishes again. The next day after I saw that images or that dream, it happens…..

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