Chapter 9: Strange happenings

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Velvet: "A-a F-fighter came wi-with a gr-oup of people. The-ey threw stuff and as-as they saw me-" Velvet decended into a sobbing as Y/n rubbed her back trying to calm her down. Looking at Summer he motioned her to follow as he helped Velvet get inside so he could get her wounds patched up and so she was in a safer area. As the trio sat down on the couch Y/n summoned Hugin and Munin.

Y/n: "Find the rest of the guild and call them here." he ordered and the two flew off.

It took the combined effort of Y/n and Summer to calm Velvet down to the point of her being able to get herself cleaned up and changed into a new set of clothes and lucky for Summer the two shared similar enough sizes in clothing that she too was able to change into something else than the summoned leather armor she got from Y/n. As the two were changed and they reentered the main hall the rest of the Hunters guild was seated at the big table with Y/n at the head of the table, sitting of a throne like chair, his face showing how serious this situation is as everyone at the table saw the fury that burned in his eyes. Without any words Velvet and Summer sat down to the left and right of Y/n.

Y/n: "Our guildhall got vandalized while we were off to classes, not just that whoever those people were they had the audacity to attack Velvet." Y/n began and a collective gasp went through the room. "I have the suspision of Cardin Winchester being the main culprit but I have no evidence other than Velvet saying that a Fighter lead the group."

Yang: "That little." Yang growled as she balled her fists, her eyes changing color.

Summer: "Please calm down dear."

Yang: "But-" Yang was about to object as she jumped up from her seat.

Y/n: "She is right." With an annoyed huff Yang sat back down, crossing her arms. "Like I said, I have no evidence for who the people behind the attack was." A knock was heard at the door and Y/n signaled Phyrra, who sat the closest to it, to go and open it.

Phyrra: "Oh... ehm, Blake was it? Please come in." The stoic ravenette nodded and stepped into the room.

Blake: "You know it is not everyday that a talking raven tells me to come to a vandalized guildhall." she tried to joke as she realized the dense atmosphere in the room.

Y/n: "That is quiet accurate, it is also not everyday that I am ready to hire an assassine." everyones eyes were now glued on the boy sitting in the throne.

Blake: "I will not murder someone." Blake quicky said.

Y/n: "Dont worry, your job will only be trying to figure out which guild Cardin Winchester is part of or was hired by. How does 100 Gold Coins sound like?"

Blake: "I will take a guess and say that he was the one that did this to your guild?" Y/n nodded. "Fine, 100 Gold Coins, but I cant promise you anything."

Y/n: "That is good enough." Y/n said before throwing a pouch full of coins towards Blake who quickly caught it and took a quick look inside, making sure that it was actually money inside the bag.

Blake: "I will come here once I find anything." She said before leaving the guildhall.

Ruby: "What are you planning to do if we find the ones responsible for what happened to the guild?"

Nora: "Can I break their legs?"

Ren: "Nora please." The calm boy tried to stop the Barbarian.

Y/n: "If we find the ones responsible I will make them pay for the damages done and I will have them apologize to Velvet. In the meantime I have another announcement to make, this mostly concerns Ruby and Yang." The two looked at eachother confused before turning to look at Y/n. "Your mother will be staying with us for the unforseable future. Something wierd happened or is happening on Patch at the moment and Ozpin already sent out the message to have it investigated. Your father has been observed to show a rather... concerning behaviour."

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