1.4 My Heart Did a Thing

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November 17th 9:46 PM

"Goodnight Jungkookie."

Jungkooks breath hitched, he smiled then continued working on taking the photographs of the lovely little bunnies that were out in the field. See, Jungkook is professional photographer, he loves it, and he's passionate about it too. "Our hearts are synced already..." he flushed, because he remembered a story his grand-mama would tell him when he was young. It was a story he never got tired of, and he begged her to tell it every time her saw her. It went a little something like this...

"Jungkook dear, are you ready for the story?" His grandmother picked the toddler up under the arms, and settled him on her lap. "Yes grand-mama! Tell it! Tell it!" His eyes sparkled with a sense of innocence no one could describe. "Alright, alright. Once upon a bloom-sprouted tree, slept a beautiful omega, she was the most fair thing in all the land. She sat there everyday, reading a book, having her midday meal, or just sleeping. One day, a strong alpha came accross her special tree. She was standing up on the highest branch, looking upon the land ahead of her. She took a step back on the branch, but her foot slipped, causing her to fall." The toddlers eyes show excitement for the next part, for he's heard it a million times before. "But instead of  falling and hurting herself, the alpha was there to help her. He ran and caught her. Their eyes met and-" "their heartbeats synced. They heard each others little music playing. And that's how they ended happily, ever, after." Jungkook had interrupted his grand-mama, finishing the story with pride.

"Oh you did so well Jungkookie dear!" "Thank you Grand-mama. I love that part. You said that's how you know when you've found your mate, right? Well that's how i want to find mine!"

Jungkook had been spaced out, completely forgetting about the rabbits which are long gone by now. When he finally came back to his senses, he realized he couldn't see a thing. He was supposed to walk home tonight. Damn. I guess I'll have to depend on my nose for now.

Jungkook sniffed the air, testing for a glimpse of North, South, East, and West. Then he shifted into his wolf form. He is a beautiful black wolf, a large one too. He nuzzled his head into the handle of his bag which he had put his camera in. He  picked up his clothes in his mouth and started started running in the direction of home. Once he arrived at his house... he realized he wasn't at his house, he was at Jimins apartment. But as he was about to leave, he saw a big black figure crawling up the apartment building. He stopped at a third floor window. Jimins window. It made him worried, anxious, mad, upset, and protective. He ran up to the wall and started barking at the big shadow peering into the omegas window. The creature quickly disappeared into the shadows, but it was still there. He could smell it. So he continued to bark, and bark, and bark, and bark. Until Hoseok opened the window to shout at the mutt how was hollering this late at night. But stopped when he realized who it was. "Jungkook?"

Jugkook's focus broke away from the creature, onto the beta. As the beta talked in the quiet of the night, the black shadow crept away, into the small gap between the apartment buildings. "Hey. What are you doing here? Go home! Can't you see we're trying to sleep?" The older was (unintentionally) being rude because he had been woken up from his deep slumber. Jungkooks fluffy ears folded down, him being ashamed he was being scolded, and that he almost woke up Jimin. He picked up his clothes, and started walking home.


WooHoo! Sope next chapter? Give me recommendations for fillers!


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