0.4 Unknown?

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November 11th 11:43 AM


Jungkooks phone binged as a text message notification rang through his ears, not even 10 minutes after he got home from catching that stunning omega from out of that huge tree. What was he doing up there anyway? That tree is way too tall, nobody should be climbing it! The alpha was too busy trying to rationalize the situation, he almost didn't notice that he still hadn't checked his phone.

He picked up his phone, unlocking it, and opening the app that sounded to be checked. Unknown?


Hey, Jungkook.. right?

yes... and this is..?

oh I'm the omega from earlier, Jimin, the one you saved from dying he he

Oh! I'm so so sorry, I guess I forgot to add your contact in my phone he he

oh, no worries :)

yeah, you say that, but I feel really bad he he

so uh... wanna meet at the tree tmw?

sure lol

what's so funny about me asking if you want to meet at the tree tmw?

nothing, I just put lol in because I felt like it.

ah, okay

is 3 pm okay?

okay for what

for meeting at the tree tmw dumbass

oh hehe I forgot

yea that's fine

that's all ya had to say flower

aye, dont call me that, we just met!

hehe bye

what! come back here!

seen 2:46 pm

I still need to virtually slap you

seen 2:47 pm


seen 2:47 pm


seen 2:50 pm


Hey! so Uhm I used the US's time stuff, I don't exactly know what it is called. But its whatevs.

I know this story is kind of moving fast, and a bunch of mush was just thrown into it but I'm trying!

i love you guys! ~Lee

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