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"Is he really here, Beverly?"

"Yes." Beverly huffed, one stray red curl wafted into her sight. Straightening her dress, she grabbed Ben by the hand and led the bemused boy towards the dance floor. "Cmon Ben, let's dance and ignore Mr i'm-worried-about-everything Tozier."

"No wait! Bev!"

But the redhead was already lost in the sea of tux-dressed high-heeled bodies.

Richie buried his face in his hands and groaned. This night was a disaster. Beverly was angry with him, all his friends had abandoned him, and Eddie was nowhere to be seen. Digging out his rainbow encased phone, Richie tapped on Eddies contact and texted him.

Richie🎭: hey eds?
Richie🎭: hey, where are you??
Richie🎭: Eds, seriously, where the hell are you??

Richie bit his lip, raking a hand through his messy dark curls. Eddie had seen his texts, but wasn't bothering to answer them or even come towards him. A dark feeling ebbed in his stomach, tangling into a lump and forming a hard rock in his stomach.

Something was wrong.

Forcing away the feeling, Richie stood from his spot on the sticky bleachers and sprinted towards the back doors of the gym.

"Hey Tozier."

God. Dang. Fuck.


Eddie sniffed, pulling his legs even closer to him and hugging them tightly. Tears leaked endlessly from his puffy red eyes and the tip of his nose was pink as well from his sobs. The poor brunette felt so betrayed. How could he? After everything they had been through together. After getting to know Richie, after finally thinking he had unfolded every layer of Richie Tozier, it all seemed like filthy stained rags now. Stained with lies. Lies he had fell for so simply.

"H-how c-could i-i-i h-have-e been so s-stupid to t-trust h-h-him?" Eddie stuttered, fresh salty tears of hurt trickling and lingering on his round flushed cheeks. The red and turquoise tie, pattered with little tropical flowers, was wasted on a night, their night, that was supposed to be magical. Wasted on a night that should have made him feel pride and nothing but happiness whenever he looked at the photos when he became older. This tie, was for Richie, because the lying snake that was Tozier loved Tropical themes. He loved bright suns and cool blue waves. And Eddie took note of everything, just to please Richie for their first early yule together.

"I-i w-wish i had j-j-just stayed h-home a-and-"

"Hey, is someone in here?"

Eddie flinched, terrified. Moving into a corner, the scared brunette tried not to make a sound as the footsteps of a larger boy entered the science lab. Cupping his hands over his ears, he rocked back and forth anxiously.

Go away. Leave me alone. Please, please don't find me. Please leave me alone. Please, please i'm already having a bad enough night as it is and-

"Woah there...hey little dude. Are you okay?" a deep baritone voice boomed from above, though it's intimidating tone was warm and concerned for the panicked boy in front of him. Nervous, the boy placed a hand on Eddies shoulder and stroked his thumb gently over the clothed shoulder.

"Hey now. Don't be sad. What's wrong?" the deep baritone came again, his body sliding down the chemical stained walls and coming to a stop right beside Eddies. His hand never stopped circling that single area. "I-i don't know." Eddie gasped, his lungs burning with the effort of breathing after tireless crying and heaving.

"L-leave me alone." Eddie said again, his voice louder, though scratchy. The boy winced, but bravely carried on, Comforting the boy beside him dutifully. "I won't leave. I promise. So just come down from your sad fort, and talk to me." The boy replied calmly. Eddie giggled faintly at this. "A sad fort? w-what's that?"

"I'm glad you asked. It's like a tree fort, but for sad feelings and sad people", the boys hand moved up towards Eddies hair, smoothing down the stray fluffy stands of hair. Eddie laughed again, louder this time, and a smile lit up his small red face as well. "I-i've never heard of that before." Eddie admitted.

"Hey wait a minute, what's your name?" Eddie sniffled, trying to keep his tears at bay for a second. He looked at the boy, well, tried to look at him. The lab was as dark as a wolfs mouth and nothing Eddie did could make this boys face visible. The only thing that told him he was real was his voice, deep and baritone. Nothing like Richies, and for some reason, that comforted him. He needed distance between him and Richie.

"You've seen me around before, but whatever."

Eddie let out a muffled giggle at the peculiar name, before trying to place this boy.

"Hmmm...i'm sorry, i guess i don't really know you."

"Its okay. I'm pretty invisible most of the time, which is great because i don't really like the...popular kids." Eddie stiffened at the mention of popular kids. "It's not that being popular is a bad thing. People can be popular for good reasons and bad reasons. But sometimes, popularity can corrupt your beliefs and let that power go to your head. It's not healthy in the end. That's why i'd rather just stay somewhere near the background, you know?" Eddie nodded in the dark.

"I know how it feels." he whispered.

"I'm sure you do, little man."

Leaning his head against the mystery boys shoulder, Eddie closed his eyes and smiled. How nice it was to have someone to talk to as normally as this. Not that he didn't like the losers. But having someone that was a little like...him, was really really nice.

I wish i could see your face, Eddie thought as his lids slipped shut and the darkness became darker.


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