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"So why are you really here, Richie?" Eddie asked, leading Richie up the stairs to his room.

"I need help with my homework, Eds. Help a guy out?" Richie replied and reached into his pocket to take out a crumpled piece of paper. The two soon reached the top of the stairs and entered Eddies room.

As soon as Richie stepped foot into Eddies room, the raven haired boy was amazed. Eddie Kaspbraks room was organised chaos. The walls were painted a beautiful cream colour but the sunny yellow bedsheets and the dark and light coloured clothing strewn on one chair contrasted brilliantly. There were books everywhere as well. Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and Roald Dahl were just to name a few. A stack of comic books were on Eddies study table and drawings of rabbits and birds were hung in frames around the expanse of the room.

All in all, it was exactly Eddie. But Richie found it disturbing to see a two large thin containers with a label on it scribbled "𝗣𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘀". He knew Eddie needed Pills in his daily life, but he didn't know that he needed pills literally everyday.

Eddie smiled brightly and spread his arms open. "Well, here's my room! Welcome to Fort Kaspbrak!" the brunette giggled and sat down on his bed. Richie grinned. He could get used to a happy sunshine Eddie that didn't snap at him or worry about Pills and Germs.

"Why thank you, kind sir. Now let's get cracking!" Richie said nervously, unfolding the paper and handing it to Eddie. His hands were shaking and he hoped that Beverly was right. He hoped this was cute. Because if it wasn't, he was totally blaming Marsh.

"That's the spirit!" Eddie chimes in and snatched the paper out of Richies hand.

"Now let's see what's the...oh!"

On the paper was a cheesy badly written poem.

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Eddie my love,
if i asked you to prom
i'm hoping you'll say yes
would you?

"Richie..." Eddie gasped and sighed, hugging the crumpled paper to his chest. His heart was bursting with happiness. "Richie, are you serious? Do you really want to go to prom with me?" Eddie asked. Richie beamed and wiped the sweat from his brow. Phew, Eddie liked it. "Yes Eds. I'm pretty darn serious that i would love to go with you. A dorky little cutie with a large appetite."

That assurance was all it took for Eddie to launch himself into Richies arms. Richies arms raised instinctively to hug Eddie closer and the two boys relished in each other's warmth and company. The snow outside was cold but the warmth from their skins was blazing like a fire.

The snow!

"Richie!" Eddie cried out and recoiled from the hug to slap Richies arm. "Eds!" Richie cried out too. How did the fluffy romantic mood go to angry stormy Eddie? "It's snowing! Quite badly, may i add, and youre only in a sweater, jeans, and sneakers! Where's your coat? You must have been freezing." Eddie scolded and slapped Richies hand away when he tried to hold his hand.

"Eddie, i'm fine! Now hug me and kiss my cheek and smile again before you went all angry hulk." Richie cooed and grabbed Eddie and pressed his cheek into the crown of his head.

Eddie grumbled into Richies sweater.

"Fuck you Tozier." Eddie growled.

"One day, Eds. Onnnnneeee daaaaayyyy..."

"Ow! okay i'm sorry! Jesus that hurt!"

n o t e !
the cheesy poem is based on a actual poem my classmate wrote and all my inspiration for Fantasise is just cute pics and drawings of Reddie. Adorable cutie pies!❤️❤️ and eddie got asked to prom!! YAYYY!! Reddie for life!!

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