"Thank you. For sharing this with me." I said slowly and he frowned, surprised

"You mean you... you don't hate me ?"

"No. I can't hate you for making mistakes. You know my dad used to say: "Hate the crime, not the criminal." We make mistakes, we all do things we are ashamed of. I know you regret what you did to your brother. And I also know you use power and cruelty to hide how you truly are inside. Shattered to the soul.
But I see it.
You were told that you were a monster. But we tend to make monsters of people we do not understand. Which is why I could never call you a monster. "

I looked deep into his eyes once more and said firmly.

"I will fix you Peter. I promise. That's what you do when you love someone. You collect the broken pieces and you fix them together because you want the other to rise, to be better, together. I know we can make this happen. "

With that I sat up and kissed the top of his head before wrapping my arms around him and keeping him against me, repeating in a breath.

"I will fix you Peter. I will."


Felix's POV

Two months passed, and I couldn't help but feel delighted of how much Pan had changed, no longer listening to his shadow but to his lost girl. I could tell he was trying to be better, for her and she was just there for him, gently stopping his arm from striking unjustly or sitting beside him when he was tensed. And he was there to keep her strong and happy. Honestly, nothing has felt more perfect than then. I could see Tinkerbell many times now, Pan knew and didn't seem that bothered which was a good thing. Olivia and Tink had grown to be close friends, spending days together or telling each other things. It felt good for both I guess to have some girl talk, I don't really know but that's what Livia told me.

Truly, all was well, for the first time in a few hundred years.

Back to 3rd POV

But as we all know... utter happiness rarely lasts...

Olivia was hunting with Lionel and the twins, concentrated on her prey.
Her eyes never left the deer and she drew in a breath, slowly pulling out a knife and aimed. She breathed in, ready to strike when a sharp pain in her head caused her to gasp and drop her knife, tottering, her hand reached for her head.
The pain grew, like needles hammering her skull, piercing through her skin and she groaned, both hands on the side of her head.

"Olivia? Hey Olivia What's wrong? "

She shook her head to say she had no idea.

"My head... it hurts"she whimpered and leant on Lionel now worried.

She leant against a tree and slipped to the floor, clutching her head and letting out small moans of pain.
Suddenly the pain released her head and she sucked in a breath, panting suddenly, pale. Lionel and the twins helped her up.

"We should tell Pan. Something is definitely wrong Olivia.

"No. Don't tell him. It's gone. See? The pain's gone. Nothing to worry about. I promise you boys. I'm fine. I guess I was just tired.

"But we just woke up!

"Uh yeah, but maybe I didn't sleep so well last night."

They said nothing and decided to walk back to camp. Olivia spoke up lightly

"You know what, you boys walk back I'll just stay her a moment all right?"

They eyed her carefully but she nodded at them so they shrugged and she let them go.

Broken (Ouat Peter Pan Fanfiction)  COMPLETED BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now