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I'm really out here spoiling you all with a triple update🤘🏼💜

Dinner is quiet. Everyone is present at the table. The only sound being created by the gentle scrapes of cutlery and the crunching/chewing of food.

For some reason Yoongi is having to feed himself today. It's difficult, the boy is quite messy and lacks coordination. He's unaware as to why he has to feed himself, but is disheartened at no one volunteering at the sight of him struggling. He's seated next to Jimin and Jin today. Jimin is trying to feed himself so Yoongi wouldn't want to bother him and Jin is too busy feeding Jang quietly with a smile etched on his face.

He also doesn't know why no one is talking. Did something happen earlier that he wasn't aware of?

Jimin is the only one showing any kind of attention to him at the moment. Softly swinging their unoccupied hands under the table and running his thumb across the back of the smooth skin. It makes Yoongi subtly smile at how cute the action is.

He's curious as to why the others are ignoring him and why each glance he receives doesn't look very loving. Yoongi wonders if he had done anything wrong or maybe they were just tired even after napping.

He looks up at the two who had been missing in action all day, out shopping. They look awkward. Confused. Maybe they didn't know what was going on either and probably decided to not bring it up. The two males seem to be eager to finish their dinner, stuffing their faces with food, trying to escape the awkward setting. Still sending smiles in his direction when eye contact is made.

Racking his brain for the possibilities come up short. Why is everyone so tense? Then he sees it. The tight lipped smirk that haunts him. The narrowed eyes and nefarious frown that accompany the venomous sneer causes an oscillating tremor to quiver down his spine. His hairs affright. It disappears as soon as it is displayed. To avoid the others suspecting his skeptical behaviour.

Suddenly the tablecloth is more compelling. Intricate lace designs now permeating his mind. The soft texture combing through his fingertips is making him feel placid. No longer fretting on the malignant aura given by the frowning omega in his peripheral vision.

He hears chatter pick up breaking him from his tranced state. Noticing how each plate is unoccupied. Mouths now engaged in conversation instead of being stuffed like balloons. Not interested in the business chat he turns to get Jimin's attention.

Now realising his hand is no longer latched onto Jimin's. Pouting he tugs on the other boy's shirt. "Jiminieeeee" is practically a whisper and it doesn't gain his attention. His pout deepens and eyebrows furrow, "Jiminie? Yoonie bored."

With a gentle eye smile he gains his attention. "Let's go watch a movie with cuddles." Yoongi nods eagerly in response.

They both leave the table unnoticed, the others too busy into conversation. He is dragged quickly to the others' room. Jimin desperate to get the other away before he listens to the conversation. Closer to a debate or an argument than light chatter. The argument about Yoongi, not that the boy knew.


"He needs love and affection all the time, you can't just stop that in hopes he'll be more independent!" - Taehyung.

"I think it could be a good idea, he'd be less emotional and would want to go out more." - Namjoon.

"It's good for omegas to learn." - Jang.

"That's a terrible idea, you know he's been through some shit although we don't know it all, we know it has affected him badly." - Jungkook.

"Okay... what if we contact his parents and get them to talk?" - Hoseok.

"No fucking way! Nope! I am not allowing that, we know his father is a huge leading factor in his trauma. It took him a long time to get to where he is now!" - Taehyung.

"I agree with Taehyung, he'd lose trust in us if we did that!" - Jin.

"Fine. I'll think it through. Speaking of where are the other two?"- Namjoon.

"God please say Jimin took him out of here before he heard anything. He'd be so scared otherwise." - Jungkook.

"Maybe we should talk about this another time, give everyone a chance to think yeah? In the mean time let's just relax with a movie, hows that?" - Jang.

A few half-hearted agreements and replies and the six of them are seated watching another Harry Potter film. The other two omegas spending time with each other upstairs.


"Jiminie is weally pwetty."

"*giggles* Yoonie is really pretty too."

"Hmmm but Jiminie pwettier."

"Yoonie cute and cuddly."

"Jiminie funny and a-a-adowable." *giggles*

They hug each other tightly, hands clasping onto whatever their hands could scavenge. Hot breath hitting each others faces. Slightly ticklish on the skin surface.

Gazing into their eyes. Pupils dilated, lashes fluttering prettily, souls reaching. They move closer, so close to touching foreheads. Both let their eyelids close gently as they lean in.

A soft, gentle silk ghosting another's smooth, plump pillows, connecting delicately. Lips barely skimming in the movement. Stilling to enjoy the feeling.

Yearning for the touch is increasing. The pleasurable stream sprouting as the kiss gains a little more force. Now mouthing each other slightly. Gentle rubbing of lips, similar to a massage. Sighing in content as they move sweetly. Taking time to enjoy the feeling of each other and focus on displaying their love.

A slight swipe of a silky tongue has the smaller boy keening into the touch. Mouth parting a little more, allowing the intrusion. The wet melodious swirling of one tongue onto another has them both moaning slightly. Small puffs of air flowing out of their noses as the viscosity increases.

Finally pulling away to catch their breath and cuddle each other. Both parties' lips slightly inflamed, red in colour and coated in the mix of saliva. Hands clutched onto the fabric of their silk tops and arms wrapped around each other tightly. Basking in the connection they feel. Relaxing into the fresh linen. Inhaling the sweet scents of one another. Laying there awake but content for the remainder of the evening.

A/N: I swear I'm constantly ending any sad chapters with Yoongi and Jimin cuddling and kissing. Hope you enjoyed the chapter💜

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