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A/N: nearly fell asleep whilst editing this. Can no longer be bothered to edit tonight. Super tired from lack of sleep. Enjoy the chapter, apologies for any mistakes xx.

Namjoon has felt off all day. He didn't know what it was but there was definitely something wrong. It started off as an itch behind his ear, it was a strange itch something he couldn't get rid off. Constantly reminding him of the potential that something could have happened.

About an hour later it had spread to his neck too. He definitely knew something was wrong, being the pack alpha, his wolf picks up on abnormalities by providing his body with strange, irritable sensations. It's both a blessing and a curse. A way of notifying him of any dangers or worries but also bugging the living daylights out of him.

It had got to lunch time when he was able to take a break from his meetings when he decided to contact his pack at home. Eager to check that everything was alright back there. That's maybe it was just something that he had forgotten to do at the company. Hoping it was nothing serious.

He had rang a few times, all of which had gone to voicemail. Now he grew increasingly worried as he couldn't reach his pack mind link from where he was currently. Praying that they were just busy or haven't heard the phone ring.

Finally after around the 11th attempt at calling them, he had reached an answer.

He immediately began asking questions.
"Are you okay?"
"Is anyone hurt?"
"What's going on?"
"Do I need to come home?"
"Does anyone need to go to the hospital?"



"Relax there's nothing wrong. Why are you calling?"

"Are you sure? Something feels off."

"Jang was a little sick this morning but nothing else is off."

"No that's not it. I wouldn't be so worried if it was that. I'm not connected to him remember. Has anyone been hurt or broken anything?"

"No namjoon, everything is fine."

"Jin can you get everyone to come to the phone?"

"Yeah of course I'll put it on speaker."

Multiple greetings were heard from everyone.

"Has anyone hurt themselves or broken anything?"

All responses were the same, answering back with the word 'no'. Each tone coming out with confusion.

"It's fine if you have guys I won't be mad or worried. My instincts are going crazy that something isn't right and I'd like to put them to rest."

When receiving the same chorus of denials to any of the listed possibilities, he sighs defeated before taking his usual procedure.

"I'm doing a head count."

He receives a few grumbles of a reply at the persistence of their leader but nonetheless wait.








"Yes sir."


"Heya Joonie."







"Where's Yoongi?"

He hears a few voices discuss how they thought he was here and some said he was still sleeping in his room.

"Where the hell is my baby?"

He is still met with mumbling.

"I'm coming home."

He doesn't wait for a response, already left in the car, on the way back to the house slightly going over the speed limit in nervousness.

He reaches the house 15 minutes earlier then he should have, but doesn't dwell on it as his priority is to make sure Yoongi is alright.

He rushes up to the door, dropping his keys several times due to his panicked fumbling to get inside quicker.

Finally after what felt like hours in comparison to the 40 seconds he spent on the doorstep, he enters the house.

He is met with everyone still discussing their ideas on where they think Yoongi is, it makes him annoyed at how he was sure that no one has moved from their spots when they were on the phone.

He removes his glossy, leather shoes and places them on the shoe rack. He then proceeds to remove his jacket carefully, attempting to not rip it, before hanging it up neatly.

He enters the living room with a stern face, his aura radiating pure dominance. He growls to gain everyone's attention. He is met with wide eyes and a few whimpers at the harsh tone.

He inhales heavily, "where is Yoongi?"

He is met with utter silence, a frightening silence at which he realises no one is actually sure they know where the fragile being is.

"I won't ask again, where the fuck is Yoongi?"

Surprisingly Jimin replies, usually he is met with the reply of one of the alphas in a serious situation, especially when Namjoon is in his pack alpha role. The omega steps forward timidly with his head down to the floor and his hands grasped tightly together.

Namjoon almost feels bad at scaring Jimin but is too occupied to have time to worry.

"W-we're n-not sure b-but we-we-we think h-he's in h-his room?"

It comes out like a question more than a statement making his worry increase especially as he still has that same feeling from earlier boiling through his body, now 10x worse, knowing something is wrong.

He tries to keep his voice gentle and soothing as to reduce the fear of his precious Jiminie. "Okay baby."

He can tell Jimin's mood lifts slightly as a blush coats his face at the sweet name. Namjoon doesn't have time to enjoy the adorable sight as he turns to walk to Yoongi's room.

Once he gets there he knocks on the door in kindness to the boy's privacy. "Hey Yoongi, you in there?"

It's silent on the other side and so after the second knock when he is met by silence once again, he opens the door.

Nothing could've prepared him for the sight he sees. He wasn't expecting that.

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