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Yoongi's room earlier that evening:

In the closed bedroom. Yoongi is blubbering.

Jang had just paid a visit to his room and frightened the poor boy to death.

Jang was conniving. Entering the room looking intimidating, he had already won against Yoongi before anything had even started.

His eyes held mischief and a smirk played at his lips. His whole presence was malicious. The boy's thoughts were repugnant with an aspiration to harm the boy. Jang had barely moved for a whole five minutes, choosing to freak the boy out with a glare instead.

When he finally did move it was fast. Extremely fast. Jang grabbed the boy by his throat tightly cutting off some of his air supply. His nails digging in slightly just enough to hurt but not enough to be noticeable later, he wouldn't want to mess his plan up with a silly mistake like that.

Jang was breathing against his face. His veins bulging at the side of his head and along his neck. Eyes narrowed into the smaller and teeth gritted together showed the clear distaste he had for Yoongi even though he didn't understand why he was disliked so much.

There's a ominous laugh flowing out of his mouth. A menacing glare present alongside it. "Huh."

A smirk grows upon the taller's face, Yoongi knows it's because of the fright his expression had displayed.

"What's so great about you?"
"I see nothing remotely interesting or slightly attractive about you."
"Who would ever really want you?"
"You know they don't actually like you right?"

Yoongi tries to sound nonchalant but his voice comes out croaky and brittle. "I don't understand?" It's a question more than a statement the poor boy is scared and confused but now also worried because what if he said is true? This encourages Jang to continue his torment.

"The others. They don't actually care. They find you annoying and clingy. They also said you lack manners."

Yoongi furrows his eyebrows in deeper confusion. Is that true? Did they really think he was annoying, clingy and obnoxious? His train of thought is cut off by Jang laughing again.

"You know, omegas with good manners don't talk unless spoken to." He doubts Jang's words but he agrees if that's what it'll take for him to not be rude and annoying.

Jang smiles as if he knows Yoongi's thought process. Instead he scoffs at the boy. Yoongi looks back to him nervous, was there something else bad about him?
"I can't believe a allowed such a pathetic omega actually hit me."

His words weren't finished, Yoongi could tell by the way he paused. "Guess I'll have to punish you now huh?"

Oh no. Please no. His whole body goes stiff, his breathing elevates and his hands clench to find reassurance, there isn't any.

"Hmmmm what could you do for me?"
It's rhetorical, Yoongi knows not to answer unless actually questioned.

"Either you could please me or allow me to use you as a punching bag. Which one?"
He starts to sweat at all the outcomes running through his head.

"What do you mean please you?" He's curious, he doesn't know what that means but he's scared to find out. He receives a chuckle and a soft sigh, "It means I get to use your body for my pleasure, sexually."

Yoongi doesn't want that, he would hate to feel like he betrayed his bond to his mates so he opts for the other. Jang doesn't seem entirely thrilled at the choice but still looks content enough. "Shame really, I bet you're a loud one. Would be nice to compare you to the others."

He feels sick. His stomach twists and not in a good way. How many others were there that had to put up against this? How many others were as fragile as him and ended up damaged or lost out entirely? He prays no one has had to face any harm from this man.

"Oh and tell anyone and I'll tell your precious father. Ooo maybe I'll tell Kyle."

There it is, he had been threatened with a name. A name so horrible to think about. The man that inflicted so much emotional and physical pain on the boy back when he was with the other pack, his father's pack.

And to refer to his father was just as traumatising. The man who had so much control over the small boy. The man who would put him through 'omega' training that was specific to alphas. Never receiving any kindness or love from his father, only hate and disgust.

Jang had grabbed the boy by his throat again and threatened him with sending him back to his father. He also had to stay away. Whatever that meant.

Before the taller had left he had ripped apart his teddy. His comfort blanket now destroyed. He could ask Jin to fix it but he was too scared to go near him right now. He was stuck. Stuck with the demons running through the circus of his mind.

He eventually exhausted himself to sleep.

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