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A thick layer of steam settles in the bathroom, the two males relaxing into the sweet rose aroma of the endless amounts of bubble bath used. The silky, pale pink liquid warms up the two perfect bodies as they just appreciate the calming feeling. Yoongi breaks the silence with a small giggle sounding pleased as he played with the bubbles and whining when a big one pops. He lets the bubbles float around him and run through his fingers, the sensations pleasant.

He appreciates moments like these just being comforted in the warm bathroom in the arms of one of his lovers as he goes slack into their chest and is pliant to the gentle touches and soothing rubs into his scalp with the sweet shampoo. He enjoys the thorough clean up and being babied.

Taehyung and Namjoon are definitely the best for taking a bath with. They are both so calming and gentle it sedates both the beta's and omega's. Yoongi loves how Taehyung says sweet praises as he cards his fingers through his hair and how Namjoon hums as he cleans his body. It's all too heavenly and pleasant that he doesn't want to leave.

The worst is definitely Jungkook. No cleaning gets done and a huge mess is always made and the omega never goes to bed afterwards like he should. Instead he wants to build a fort and run around the house until Hoseok loses his mind and collapses from exhaustion from chasing after him (which has happened more times then he would like to admit). Both Jin and Hoseok are too quick with the cleaning and that leaves him feeling grouchy and deprived of a good bath time.

With Jimin, they risk death so that's not a good idea. The two omegas combined is dangerous as neither know how to really control how bath time works so they may end up drowning from either fighting each other or falling asleep (Hoseok nearly had a heart attack once, finding the two asleep almost submerged under the water, and vowed to never leave the two alone in there again) or possibly choking while trying to eat the rubber ducks or the soaps they have line up in easy access (the omegas has tried before).

After his bath, he had been put into a fluffy blue jumper and black silk shorts and white fluffy socks, ready for bed. Taehyung puts on grey joggers and a white t-shirt, he hugs his baby to his chest, they both fall asleep in a matter of minutes cuddled up underneath the duvet.

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