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Tae is the next to speak. "Has anyone paid attention to what happened these last two weeks?"
When everyone looks up at him with sad expressions he sighs, they all still look a little confused again to what Taehyung is going to say so he continues, "I warned you guys earlier on about my concerns for Yoongi and now I'm going to say what I've seen. Since Jang's arrival Yoongi has acted different... correct?" They ponder the thought for a moment and then hum in an agreement.

They lean forward in anticipation of what is going to be said. Taehyung looks to Jungkook for reassurance before he continues.

"That's because everyone ignored his presence in return for Jang's, we broke his routine." He allows a moment to let the information settle in.

"He gets cramps since no yoghurt, he's had his privileges given to Jang without his consent." He stops again as he starts to get slightly angry, he knows anger won't get him far in this atmosphere so cools down first.
"He's barely had anyone to sleep with at night par me and Jungkook, but we can't always be there, meaning his night tremors have probably made another appearance, which could also mean his mental health is worse than what he's used to." Jungkook lays a hand on his shoulder to reassure him again so he doesn't get worked up and cry.
"The bracelet that meant the world to him was in Jang's hands. I would've told Yoongi off myself if it wasn't impossible to get that bracelet off him. We've all tried and failed so now you see, I don't think Jang is that innocent, plus he hasn't been very nice to Yoongi since he's arrived. He's been rude and interposed negatively in his life. I actually wouldn't be shocked if Jang took the bracelet purposely to upset Yoongi."

Kook hums in agreement and everyone else is frozen at this information. Had they really been that bad of a mate? And missed all of those signs? However, they defend Jang nonetheless.
"Don't be silly, Jang is a sweet boy with a lot of love needed."
"I agree, Jang has been nothing but a sweetheart and sunshine since he's been here."
"I refuse to believe that kind boy in bed right now, had purposely done something to upset anyone. Yoongi has been ill, he could've easily misplaced it or taken it off accidentally whilst not fully conscious of what he's doing."
Taehyung and Jungkook get up and head off to bed. The rest are left to ponder their thoughts to themselves until they decide to go to bed. They all take notice of Yoongi's whimpers and sobs as they pass his room and recognise Jimin's voice just shushing him and repeating "it's okay, it's okay, I'm right here, I promise nothing can hurt you, I love you very much." They all feel horrible about it now. They all individually debate to approach their two babies but end up deciding to handle it tomorrow when everyone has calmed down.

A/N: I am so not looking forward to going back to school to do A levels now that Christmas break is almost over. Science and Maths are going to be the death of me 🥺.

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