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Warning: Vomit.

The first thing that hits him is the smell. It's ghastly. A smell of putrid vomit, vulgar sweat and a metallic undertone. There's also a slight lingering smell of urine.

Then it's the sight he is met with. The usual bubbly, naturally blushing boy with cute little sparkling eyes lays there disheveled, sickly pale, drowning in sweat, twitching, tear stained and bleeding out of his nose.

There is sick coating the duvet, pillow and laminated floor. Also some traces dried where there would've been a dripping out of his mouth and down the side of his face hours ago. There's blood dripping over the already dried blood as it exits the boy's nose.


He rushes over to the unconscious body. Trying to wake him up with light shaking and taps. He receives no response.


After hearing the leaders panicked calls everyone runs to the direction of the voice now panicking themselves.

They are left in shock at the sight of their baby in such a horrid state. All feeling queasy at being so neglecting.

"Get towels, medicine, cloths, a bath running, anything you can think of.. NOW!"

They all scramble to get everything they might need including water, food, a first aid kit, thermometer, a bucket, blankets, towels etc.

Namjoon grabs the thermometer and takes the boys temperature first, keen to know if it's a hospital matter. He taps his fingers while waiting for the beep.

When it does beep, his eyes widen tremendously. 103° F!! Holy hell! He hurriedly picks the boy up and places him in the bath tub now filled with water. Hoping to lower his temperature but also clean the boy. He is a few degrees off going to the hospital and so can only help him at home. He realises the boy's fever probably increased due to the lack of care he'd received.

It takes a while as he keeps him there for a little bit longer in hopes of waking him up but to no avail.

When he enters back into the bedroom, he dresses him in looses clothing and places a now cold, damp flannel/cloth on his head. He strokes the boy's head lovingly as the others are cleaning the room. The bed already having new sheets on, courtesy of Hoseok. He turns to look at them as they all look guilty. Good! He hopes they feel terrible at not looking after their youngest boy.

He motions for them all to leave the room after he kisses Yoongi's head gently. When he reaches the living room, everyone is sitting with their heads hanging low with slumped shoulders.

"I'm angry. I'm very angry and really disappointed too. How could none of you have checked on him even once this morning. It's already one o'clock in the afternoon and no one had even checked on him."

Everyone stays silent knowing Namjoon wasn't finished yet.

"How could you have all been so careless? I told Hoseok and Taehyung last night to make sure everything was done while I was gone, did I not?"

Both Hoseok and Taehyung nod in confirmation.

"And what? You decided to disobey me is that it? Wanted to rebel? Or was it just that you were both lazy? Too relaxed to care?"

He wasn't finished talking and Taehyung new that but he was itching to defend himself, knowing it would cause tension between them if he did... but he does anyway.

"I woke up this morning and started getting everyone up and when I got to Jang's room, I found he was sick so I brought him to the living room and made sure he was okay. Everyone else woke up naturally and joined us so no one is at fault here."

Namjoon is furious at Taehyung for interrupting his interrogation and then also talking back. However, he doesn't retaliate and suppresses his anger as he knows that Taehyung is right. There isn't necessarily blame in this situation, although there also is at the same time. He sighs in both irritation and exasperation.

"I'm not going to argue over fault or blame, it just annoys me that no one even thought of the boy or bothered to check. You all know that he can not fully look after himself. I'm going to see if he's alright and hopefully woken up because if he hasn't he's going to need the hospital, his fever alone was 103°F."

A few gasps were heard as he walked back to his omega's room.

It smells a hell of a lot better, way fresher but it doesn't console his fear for the well-being of his sweet little darling omega.

He gentle nudges the boy once seated on his bed. The boy whimpers in pain as he begins to slowly open his blurry eyes.

He feels weak. His head throbs with each blink of his eyelids and the rest of his body is hurting. He continues to whimper until he feels it.

The soft hand stroking his head gently and the deep voice that he can barely recognise as Namjoon, is whispering to his sensitive ears a chorus of 'shhh, it's okay' and 'that's it darling, relax'. It's sweet and alluring. He wants to talk back but his throat and lungs already burn with just breathing.

He finally manages to open his eyes fully and keep them open. He sees a dimly lit room and the pack alpha himself just smiling calmly down at the younger. He wants to cuddle and talk but he can't do anything and in return, he whines again.

Namjoon must've sensed his intentions as water with a straw was placed infront of his lips. He takes a few big gulps before releasing the thin tube of plastic.

He slowly lifts his arms up at the taller and makes grabby hands. The action hurting more than he would like as he does get his cuddles.

He whimpers again, "alpha"

"I know my darling, I know, it's alright Joonie's here."

Yoongi snuggles in further the embrace and whispers an 'i love you'. Namjoon hears the passionate phrase and mutters back an 'I love you too'.

A/N: A levels have really worsened my mental health lately. It's super frustrating (trustrating) that I can't balance everything in my life at the moment. Hopefully I can get a grip of myself soon. Enjoy this chapter, I'll upload the next one in a few days. 💜

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