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Back downstairs the others were having a meeting after putting Jang to bed with the promise of waffles in the morning. The alphas and betas are gathered waiting for someone to make sense of the situation. Jin and Hoseok are first to offer their opinions that they handled the situation well and Yoongi has deserved the treatment he had been given. They both also say "he was being a bad omega." Which receives a few hums in agreement.

Jungkook snarls in disgust. He feels repulsed hearing the term he had heard used towards young omegas his whole life. The words used to hurt omegas and degrade them so harshly. He hated watching the light leave their eyes at the treatment, when all they'd want to do is please others. It was truly traumatising to watch. The others look at him questioningly. He pauses and looks at them in disbelief, "I can't believe you'd say that."

They look to each other still confused, so he elaborates. "That you would exploit two of our mates to that type of discrimination and way of thinking."
Namjoon begins to speak but is cut off by Jungkook. "None of you even once questioned his side of the story, tried to calm him down or even pay attention to the way he was feeling. I could smell his fear and it was so potent. It was so strong and he was so scared. Our poor baby was terrified at how you guys were acting. He was crying and it broke my heart to see him blubbering as he just took what he was given. What makes it worse is that not one of you had thought of Yoongi's past while you were howling at him. The past he has told us so little about but enough to understand him and know when the line is crossed. It never crossed your minds while you screamed at him, hit him with too much strength that his body can't handle and broke his heart by destroying that bracelet and his trust in us. How do you expect him to forgive us if we just broke his trust completely and also Jimin's?"

The silence returns for a while as everyone lets his revelation sit in. Namjoon is playing the scene through his head, relaying each detail he can remember. He recognises Yoongi looking so upset and he instantly feels grief claw its way up his throat. When he meets Jungkook's eyes, he recognises the leaders regret and nods to him. Hoseok is sitting there biting his nails in worry over how his mate must be feeling at having his usually happy alpha growl at him and break his only connection with his best friend. His face is solemn as he thinks of ways to fix it. Jin has his eyebrows furrowed and hands clasped over half of his face. His posture is slumped as he remembers how he hit his innocent little Yoongi. The boy who is high maintenance and needs plenty of care in which Jin is happy to give. He had just thrown it all out of the window in replace of his anger and disappointment. They all are regretful.

Baby Omega|| BTS x MYGTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang