"All right, we're going, but just to take a look around." Tai decided, "But we don't necessarily need to start any trouble."

"Right." We all said and Tk ran in front of us to lead the way.

"It's this way, guys." The boy said.

However, one of us stopped and didn't move from her spot.

"Sora?" Tai asked as we turned around to see Sora still in her place.

Her head was down, her eyes showing that she wasn't sure this was a safe plan.

"I'll go along with your decision, Tai, but I'm still not sure its safe." She said.

"I know it's dangerous, Sora, and we're not looking for trouble, but if anything happens, Koromon and I will hold off Puppetmon while you take the others and escape. I won't let anything happen to you." Tai explained.

"You mean it?" Sora asked.

"Of course I do."

Sora agreed and the two ran back to the rest of our group as we continued to run to Puppetmon's mansion. I couldn't help but admire how much Tai had changed.

Not only was he now a better leader, he was also more cautious and thinking of any consequences that might come from his rash actions. We had all grown during this adventure, but I worried for our other friends, mainly Matt.

He may have been balanced his feelings, but he was still unbalanced when it came to his inner self. He just didn't understand what to do, or what path he was supposed to be taking. Even so, I had hope and faith. He and the others would come stronger and better than before.

We continued running through the forest until we finally reached the outskirts of Puppetmon's mansion.

"So that's Puppetmon's mansion, huh?" Tai asked as he looked through his mini-telescope. He gasped, "There are two guards."

"Izzy, can you tell us who they are?" I asked.

"Analyzing." Izzy said, taking Tai's digivice and plugging it into his laptop. His screen pulled up the two digimon guards.

"One of them us Floramon. She's a plant type digimon that digivolves like a reptile. Her attack is rain of pollen. And the other guard is Deramon. At first glance it looks like a bird type digimon, but it's actually got a plant growing out of its back. Talk about Prodigious."

"So, they're not ultimate digimon, right?" Tai asked as Izzy gave him back his digivice.

"Right." Izzy answered.

"Nonetheless, we should be careful. They could be quite dangerous. Shall we go?" Tentomon asked, flying over to Kari, Tk and I with our digimon.

"Wait!" Tai called out to us, stopping us in our tracks, "There might be more guards inside. I'll go inside and make sure the coast is clear, you guys wait here until I get back."

"Tai, I think Patamon and I should go with you. After all, we're the only ones who everything inside." Tk said, Patamon agreeing with his partner.

"Sorry, it might be dangerous." Tai said.

"C'mon, Tai, don't treat me like a little kid." Tk whined.

"That's not it."

"What if we go together as a team?" Kari suggested.

"I vote with Kari. There's nothing to be afraid of if we all go in together." Izzy said. Tai still didn't seem too please with the suggestion. I know he meant well with wanting the younger kids to stay behind, but that's like telling me I couldn't run because I had a prosthetic leg.

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