chapter 23

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*They get to a hotel in the city. Quinn has a big surprise for Rachel.*

*They pass by the front desk.*
Rachel: Quinn?
Quinn: Yeah?
Rachel: Don't you have to check in?
Quinn: Oh, no... I've already done that.
Rachel: Oh! Ok, well... Who all did you invite?
Quinn: Just a few of your friends from school.
Rachel: Cool! Thanks again.
Quinn: No problem! *They get to the room* Ok, Rach! Close your eyes!
Rachel: Okay? *closes eyes*
Quinn: Alright, now walk in... someone's going to grab your wrist to help you.
Rachel: Umm, alright? *someone takes her wrist* Wow, you have cold hands whoever you are!
??: *tries not to laugh and leads Rachel to sit down on the bed*
Quinn: Ok, Rach... Open your eyes!
Rachel: *opens her eyes*
Everyone: Surprise!!

*Rachel's POV* Oh my gosh!!! I can't believe it! All of my high school friends are here! Santana, Tina, Mercedes, Kurt, Sugar, Brittney... This is insane! I haven't seen them in almost 3 years, but it's like we were never apart. Everyone is hugging and kissing cheeks. It's like a dream come true!

Santana: Rachel! I can't believe you're getting married!
Rachel: Yeah, you always thought that we'd break up...
Santana: No, I didn't.
Rachel: Yeah, you did... Don't lie.
Santana: Yeah, well... I'm not always right!
Tina: So, are you excited?
Rachel: You don't even know... I can't wait!
Mercedes: You really love him don't you?
Rachel: So much...
Quinn: Awwww.... Rachel's getting all mushy!
Rachel: Shut up!
Brittney: Are you gonna have kids?
Rachel: Probably some day... Not anytime soon though. Wait.... Quinn?
Quinn: Yeah?
Rachel: Where's Josh staying?
Quinn: Oh, I got my sister to come and pick him up. He's staying with her and her husband for the week.
Rachel: Ok, good. I was getting worried that you'd left him with Puck.
Quinn: Nope, I'm not as stupid as I look Rach...
Rachel: Uh huh!

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