chapter 14

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Finn: So I'm guessing that there won't be brunch today....?
Quinn: Will you still be hungry after you eat all of our food?
Finn: Probably not.
Puck: So, grab what you need and go...
Quinn: Oooh... Someone's grouchy.
Puck: Yeah, 'cause someone wouldn't get up when the baby was crying all of last night.... and that someone wasn't me!
Quinn: Don't get snappy with me!

*Finn and Rachel look at each other and try not to laugh... They get the things they need out of the pantry and leave down the hall.*

Finn: *bursts out laughing*
Rachel: *does the same*
Finn: Oh--Oh, my god! *eyes watering from laughing so hard* That was so awkward!
Rachel: Oh my gosh! Yes! I'm never doing that again!
Finn: Puck's like a hormonal 5 year old!
Rachel: You're so right! *still laughing*
Finn: Oh my-- shhhhh! I think they're coming!

*Quinn pokes her head out of the door*
Quinn: Are you guys okay? I thought I heard someone crying.
Rachel: No, I was laughing... Finn told me a funny joke..
Quinn: Oh, well you two have a good day!
Finn: You too... We'll talk to later.
Quinn: Bye!... Oh! Finn!
Finn: Yeah?
Quinn: I know this is a lot to ask, but can you and Rachel take care of Josh tonight? Puck and I are going on a date... a long deprived one might I add.
Finn: Yeah, it's no problem. I don't think we have anything planned, do we?
Rachel: Not that I can think of... Now I get to spend some time with my godson!
Quinn: Yes, ok.... So I'll bring him by with his stuff around 6.
Finn: That's fine... we'll be there!
Quinn: Thanks... See you tonight!
Rachel: Bye!

*Finn and Rachel get back to the apartment and make breakfast.*
Finn: So, do you want to go out to lunch today? Just a break before we have the little one here?
Rachel: Yeah, that sounds great actually!
Finn: So where do you want to go?
Rachel: The usual?
Finn: The diner it is! I haven't been there in such a long time...

*Finn's POV* Wow... I really haven't been there in a long time. The last time I was there, it was with Lauren. Lauren... I completely ditched her when Rachel got back. I should really call her and apologize. I feel terrible, but I've been so caught up in everything, I just didn't have time to talk to her.... I fact, I'm gonna go call her now.

Finn: I'm gonna go call Lauren...
Rachel: Yeah, that's fine. *smiles* I'll just go return Quinn and Puck's stuff.
Finn: Ok, thanks.
Rachel: No problem. *leaves*

*Finn goes to call her*
*Phone conversation*
Lauren: Hello?
Finn: Hey! Long time no talk!
Lauren: Finn, hey! How are you?
Finn: Doing well. You?
Lauren: I'm good... so how's everything going?
Finn: Oh, you know...
Lauren: Cut the crap... I know you too well.
Finn: I know... sorry. So here goes. I'm back together with Rachel!
Lauren: Finn! That's great!
Finn: Really?
Lauren: Yes! I'm so happy for you! How are things going?
Finn: Amazing... Rachel's great. You would like her a lot.
Lauren: I'm sure! I want to meet her.
Finn: Maybe soon! I miss you!
Lauren: I miss you too! I haven't talked to you in like 3 weeks! That's like an all time record for us in like a year!
Finn: I know! And I'm sorry... Things came up and I didn't think about calling you.
Lauren: No, I get it! Don't feel bad!
Finn: Thanks for not being a total jackass about it...
Lauren: I know you well enough to know when to leave you alone.
Finn: You know you can call me whenever.
Lauren: I know... thanks.
Finn: So, still best friends?
Lauren: BFF's forever bro!
Finn: You know you just said 'best friends forever forever' right?
Lauren: Nope, it's 'best fricken friends forever'!
Finn: Genius!
Lauren: Oh, stop it you!
Finn: Ok, well I have to go! I'll talk to you later BFF forever!
Lauren: Sounds like a plan!
Finn: Ok, bye.
Lauren: Bye.

*Finn's POV* I'm so glad that things are ok with Lauren. I mean, she helped me through a lot when Rachel was gone. And I love that she's always there for me when I need her. She is my best friend. I don't love her like I love Rachel, but there's always a special place in my heart for her. She's like the sister that I never had. Except she's not annoying like most sisters are.

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