chapter 5

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*It's been six weeks... Quinn and Puck brought Josh home but it's their anniversary, so they asked Finn and Lauren to take care of him for the week while they're on vacation!*
Quinn: Thanks again guys... You don't know how much this means to us. Ok, again... His bottles are in his bag in the kitchen, and so are his clothes. I went ahead and put the diapers in your spare bedroom Finn.
Finn: Kay, got it.
Quinn: And you know my phone number if anything happens or you need me.
Finn: I know... Just go! Go, go, go, go! Get your relaxation on!
Quinn: Thanks. *kisses each of them on the cheek and then leaves*
Lauren: So what do we do now? *holding Josh*
Finn: I have no clue?
Lauren: Well, what do you want to do little man? Huh?
Josh: *cooing*
Finn: He's adorable... *talking to Josh in a baby voice* Does he want to go on a walk in the park? Huh, buddy? Do you wanna go?
Lauren: *laughing* Nice voice...
Finn: Shut up!
Lauren: *gasps* Finn Hudson?!?! How dare you use that language around a child? *she's kidding*
Finn: *baby voice to Josh* I'm so sorry big guy! Do you want to go on a walk? I think you do!
Lauren: Well, I'll go get his stroller. Can you please take him?
Finn: Yeah... Come here buddy!
*Phone rings*
Lauren: I'll get it! *runs to get the phone*
(On phone)
?: Hey! Just checking in!
Lauren: Quinn! Hey! Well, nothing's really changed... you just left five minutes ago...
Quinn: Sorry, I hate leaving him...
Lauren: Don't worry! Finn and I are going to take good care of him.
Quinn: I know...
Lauren: We're about to go for a walk in the park!
Quinn: Well, Puck and I are headed to the airport!
Lauren: Ok, have a good trip! I have my cell phone if you want to call me. But trust me, he's going to be fine!
Quinn: Tell Finn I said thanks!
Lauren: Ok, will do... but seriously, just relax. I'll call you if I need you.
Quinn: Ok, bye!
Lauren: Bye!
(Off phone)
Finn: Who was that? *feeding Josh a bottle*
Lauren: It was Quinn... she and Puck are on the way to the airport.
Finn: Jeez, they just left like 3 minutes ago!
Lauren: I know, but you don't get it... you're not a mom.
Finn: Well, neither are you... wait, you're not are you?
Lauren: No, but I had a little brother... He's a lot younger.
Finn: Ah, babysitting... rough stuff. I used to help babysit with Rachel...
Lauren: Best part... getting paid.
Finn: By far... Ok, little buddy! Are you ready to go?
Lauren: Oh yeah! The stroller!
Finn: Yep, that would be useful...
Lauren: Here it is!
Finn: *puts Josh in the stroller* Ok, let's go!

*They get to the park and are walking around...*
Finn: It's such a nice day today!
Lauren: Yeah... it really is!
Finn: So, any plans for this weekend?
Lauren: How about stay with you and help with Josh?
Finn: Sounds great... I'm gong to need it. I don't even know where to begin when it comes to diapers...
Lauren: That's why I'm here my friend.
Finn: So, I was thinki---

*Finn's POV* That's when the shit hits the fan.... I'm looking across the park and I see her. She's right there... Rachel. The worst part is...? She's with another guy... They're having a picnic... I can't think, my mind has gone blank. I can't walk... I have to keep telling myself to breath in and breath out. Everything goes silent... And so the pain returns... There's nothing I can do.

Hey! Just to confirm... No, Finn did not pass out, he's just shocked... I know it kinda sounds like he did... but nope!

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