chapter 20

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Finn: *smiles* Wanna go home?
Rachel: Yeah, let's go... I still owe you a favor...
Finn: I hope you mean what I think you mean.

*I think what happened is kind of given...*

*Next day*

*Rachel's POV* I can't believe that I'm engaged... again. I know that it will work out this time though. I mean, last time, we were just too young. I'm still young, but I've had more experiences, so I think I know what I'm doing. I mean, what is there to think about? I love Finn, and he loves me. There's nothing really to say about it. I have to tell Quinn. I'm sure she'll be happy for me, but ask me why I said yes when we've only been back together for like a few weeks. But, she'll understand I hope. What do I care if she does or doesn't? It's my decision... Wait, why am I getting mad? I haven't even told her yet, haven't even seen her reaction. For all I know, she'll be really happy for me. Ok, well... I think I'm going to get up and make some breakfast.

Finn: *still asleep, snoring*
Rachel: *laughs to herself then goes downstairs*

*Rachel starts to get the things out to make waffles, then remembers that the waffle maker caught on fire and they had to throw it away... So, she goes out to but doughnuts instead. In the mean time, Finn wakes up and finds a note on the counter...*

Good morning! I went out to get some doughnuts if you're wondering where I am, which I know you are. I shouldn't be too long, I'm just going to the shop down the street. I left at 8:02, so give me like 15 minutes... Pick out a movie and wait for me! Love you!

xoxo- Rach

*Finn's POV* Alright... I go to pick out a movie. Hmmm... What does she like? I don't want to suffer through a chick flick, so I try to get something that we'll both like. I look through the movies several times but can't decide. So, I go and check on the TV and see what's on. Nothing. I go back to the movie shelf... Then I think... I still have that movie that Quinn let me borrow about that singer lady that Rachel likes. It's some kind of documentary. So I run and get that and put it in right as Rachel's coming through the door.

Rachel: Good! You're up!
Finn: Morning... So what'd you get me?
Rachel: Oh, no... These are all for me. I'm really hungry.
Finn: Rach, there's six doughnuts...
Rachel: Yeah, like I said... I'm hungry.
Finn: *starts tickling her* You better give me one of those!
Rachel: *laughing* Never!
Finn: *still tickling her* I won't stop until you say yes!
Rachel: No! *laughing* They're mine!
Finn: *tickling her* Raaaccchhhelll...
Rachel: *laughing so hard* Please stop!
Finn: Not until you let me have one!
Rachel: Ok, ok!!! You can have a doughnut!
Finn: *stops* Thank you!
Rachel: Here. *hands him the doughnut* So what movie did you pick out?
Finn: Uh, *eating* it's a documentary about that singer lady that you like...
Rachel: Barbra?
Finn: Yeah, I think so...
Rachel: Yay! Ok, let's go watch!
Finn: Alrighty... Mrs. Hudson.
Rachel: Not yet, big boy...
Finn: Soon enough though!
Rachel: I still need to tell Quinn...
Finn: You can wait... Don't you want to spend some time with you fiance?
Rachel: Wow, that sounds weird....

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