Harper Daviesnok
Yeah & I've noticed that she's been off of her food recently

Joe Marrow
She has, in NY we went out with the cast and everyone else was getting proper meals and she got something from the starter menu. She did say she wasn't that hungry but she hadn't eaten lunch beforehand...

Harper Daviesnok
She said she wasn't that hungry then

Joe Marrow
I've heard Alex & Charles mention it too, maybe we should talk to her

Harper Daviesnok
Idk, maybe she doesn't wanna talk about it

Joe Marrow
Bet fucking anything it's to do with that prick of a father she's got

Harper Daviesnok
Probably, hate that man with a passion

Joe Marrow
Most of us do haha

Harper Daviesnok
Anyway, thank u, see you later

Joe Marrow
No probs, bye!

——— ••• ———

Joe had been trying his best to concoct a rhythm for a song they were yet to publicise, he knew that it had to be somewhat slow but then it goes absolutely ragged when the chorus comes in. The song was about the range of different sexuality's and how even to this day people had an issue with it, it was a nice song that the band had wrote a month or so ago.

He was due to visit his nana in hospital in about half an hour so he had to wrap this up as soon as he could, his mum was working a night shift at the care home so Joe told her that he would go. His nana, Geraldine was only sixty-six, she had Joe's mum pretty young.

Geraldine had a seizure just less than a week ago and the reason for how it occurred was not yet known to the doctors or the family. She had always been a happy and seemingly healthy lady, she enjoyed going to a book club with her friends because she'd always been a fan of literature.

"Hi Nana, how are you?" Joe asked sweetly, pecking the lady on the head gently. The white-haired lady smiled up at her grandson, she was beyond proud of him and everything he had achieved so far at such a young age.

She remembers when she was his age she was still hooked up in the party lifestyle, sleeping with loads of boys who showed an interest in her; when she was in school she was constantly told that she would never do well and that she would always be a failure so she followed her labels. Geraldine had four children, Joe's mum, Heather was born a month after Geraldine had turned twenty-one. She then had  Christina three years later, then a year and a half after Chris she had Samantha then four years after Sam she had Diana—she definitely had her work cut out.

Joe handed the lady in the bed a bunch of her favourite purple lilies and a packet of wine gums, which he knew she loved. Geraldine had missed her beautiful blonde grandson, she hadn't seen him for a while, from what she remembered—Joe did come and see her when she was first admitted but then his work wanted him to do some overtime.

"How've you been?" Joe asked politely, making himself comfortable in the chair that was by her hospital bed.

"I've been better but I feel much better than I did yesterday," The white-haired lady smiled at Joe "How've you been, it seems like such a long time since I last saw you?" She asked in return reaching her hand out for him to grab, which he did.

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