When we were all leaving, she started walking off with Timothée in the opposite direction to the hotel "y/n, come here please" I called after her and she scowled at me and skulked over to me

"Goodnight Kendall" one of the guys said

"See you tomorrow" I said, and I noticed that Timothée was waiting for y/n a few lampposts away

"Did you want something?"

"Yes, where do you think you're going?"

"Timothée said I could sleep on his sofa"

"Are you out of your mind? Let's go" I hissed and led her back to the hotel

"I'll see you tomorrow Timothée!" she shouted to him and he waved, and as soon as we were out of everyone I knew's sight, I grabbed her upper arm and hurried her along while I smoked non-stop all the way back to the hotel "what's the rush? Are you gonna hit me when we get back?"

"I wouldn't hit you, the things you're saying are getting more and more ridiculous"

"Like you calling me a slut?" She asked

"I didn't call you a slut. Don't you dare criticise my actions after what you've done" I scoffed and pushed her into the hotel room and she stood in the corner while I poured myself some whiskey. I didn't know what to do, she thought she was right even though she was totally wrong.

Y/n's POV

I cowered away in the corner, worrying about what Kendall would do next. She stared out of the window while she poured herself three drinks in the space of one minute, then she turned to me and pointed to the sofa "no" I said stubbornly and folded my arms

"When you're ready to sit down with me and talk like an adult, you feel free to do that. In your own time, of course my princess" she said sarcastically and sat down. When I didn't sit with her, she glared at me with almost black eyes "sit the fuck down, y/n!"

"Fine" I rolled my eyes and sat down on the sofa

"Feel free to explain yourself before I talk to you"

"Talk to me or verbally abuse me?"

"You can't throw around accusations like that, what's wrong with you? Now, would you like to tell me why the everliving fuck you thought it was okay to go home with someone else?"

"It wasn't like that, he has a girlfriend!"

"Here come the excuses. I don't care, people are unfaithful and now I've seen that you can be like that too" she said

"I'm not, you're just crazy"

"I'm crazy? I don't think I agreed to go home with a stranger because I was scared of facing up to what I'd done wrong. Am I that scary?"

"Yes, you're fucking scaring me now!"

"Then don't shout at me!" She barked and I felt myself tearing up "Jesus Christ, you need to realise that people aren't innocent. People want to fuck you, they desire you. You're not someone people like him just want as a friend, you're someone they want one thing from because you don't realise what their intentions are. What do you think would have happened if you'd have gone home with that man?"

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