Agumon quickly Warp digivolved into WarGreymon and flew into the air. The fight had begun, just like Matt wanted.

WarGreymon hit MetalGarurumon in the face as they flew in the air.

"There is no need for us to fight." WarGreymon said peacefully, trying to stop the fight before it grew worse than a single hit.

"I must." MetalGarurumon roared and flew closer to WarGreymon, using his front paws to push WarGreymon to the ground. Leaves flew everywhere from the trees onto us as the two digimon went back flying into the air to continue the fight.

WarGreymon kicked MetalGarurumon, but the metal wolf retaliated by driving his sharp canines into WarGreymon's arm. He screamed in pain as all of us watched from the ground, helpless to do anything to stop them.

Tai stomped up to Matt, anger the only emotion I could see in his eyes. Matt looked away from the fight in the sky and smirked as Tai came closer.

"What's the matter? Are you chicken?" He asked, holding fists up in case Tai decided to make a move.

"That's it!" Tai shouted, delivering the first hit. I backed away, not wanting to tangled in this fight.

"Matt, I'm gonna tell mom that ui ou were fighting!" Tk shouted.

"Sorry, Tk, but I have to do this." Matt apologized, pulling back his fist and punching Tai in the face, causing the boy to stumble back from the force.

Tai and Kari were watching the fight, scared for their brothers and what outcome this fight would bring.

"Kari, Tk, come here." I said. The two kids rushed to my side and knelt down to their level, keeping them close and not letting then watch this fight.

"Both of you stop this now!" Joe shouted with authority.

"This is ridiculous." Izzy said.

"You two are just making things worse!" Sora shouted.

"He's gotta be taught a lesson and fast!" Tai shouted to Sora.

Tai went back to the fight, punching Matt so hard that he fell to the ground. Matt turned over on his hands and knees gasping for a breath. Tai bent down and grabbed Matt by the collar, his hand still clenched up in a fist.

"I'm only doing this to honor the memory of all the brave digimon that had helped us." Tai said, "They trusted us and believed in our commitment."

I gasodd when I looked at Matt, his eyes filled with tears as they traveled down his cheeks. Soft whimpers escaped his mouth, but they weren't sad, they were frustrated. Matt was conflicted by so many emotions running through him. Sadly, I can't balance these emotions for him. He needed to do that on his own.

"We can't let them down." Matt stood up and with his tear filled eyes, he glared at Tai.

"What if we made a mistake?" Matt said then continued the fight with another punch.

I looked up when I heard explosions coming from the sky. I saw WarGreymon be covered in smoke from MetalGarurumon's missles.

"Terra Force!" WarGreymon shouted, spinning like a drill and hitting MetalGarurumon in the face.

I looked back down at the fight on the ground, the two boys hitting each other like there was no tomorrow.

"I've had it!" Mimi shouted as she covered her face and ran to another part of the area, then crouched down and covered her ears.

"I'm gonna sit here and look at the flowers until everybody starts getting along." She cried. Cora went over to Mimi to calm her down, while the fights continued.

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