Chapter 8 - "Kind and Cheerful Chie"

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And nothing Igarashi or some stupid "rumours" foretold would change that.

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"Shiina's acting girly?"

Lowering the outfit I propped in front of the floor mirror, I rotated to the entrance of my bedroom. Mao had poked her head through, bug-eyed at the mess of clothes surrounding me.

"Duh," I responded, matter-of-factly, "I am a girl."

"Has she been brainwashed by the Dark Lord?"

My lips caved downwards. "And she's not listening. . ."

Ignoring Mao's subtle murmurs, I tossed my long hair into high bun. It was unkempt and unprofessional by a large margin, but it was enough to stay out of my eyes. Sloshing through the heap of outfits strewn across the flooring like a newfound mat, I collapsed onto my bed which was equally as untidy.

Tomorrow was the day I'd be going to the carnival with Kamakiri. The first date of my entire life, with the hottest guy I knew. So, then, what the hell was this?

Sneakers. Ripped jeans. Plaid dress shirts. Hoodies. Leather jackets. T-shirts with bizarre quotes.

I had no article of clothing that was notably classy or girly. None a guy would dare look at and find cute.

I'd never been bothered to follow trends. I've had others comment that my tastes were bizarre—and definitely tomboyish—but I'd brushed it aside. I never cared to go the extra mile to impress others.

But now, when it mattered most, it was coming back to bite me.

"What's with all this black?" I yelled to myself, frantically rummaging through my clothes. "Not the slightest pink or purple. Not a single dress. How's Kamakiri supposed to fall at my feet in love when I'll be dressed like I got out of bed?"

"That sure sounds like a problem."

My heart screeched an unintentional halt. I jerked towards the doorway. Mao no longer stood there. Rather, Chie occupied the spot, a soft smile lightening her eyes.

"I came up here to tell you that dinner was ready," Chie added, her voice a lulling timbre, "but it seems that can wait. Not when my little maiden is having a dilemma."

My mouth had subconsciously flattened into a thin line. I'd lowered my gaze to my lap. Part of me wished she would turn tail and exit the room, pretend this never happened. But Chie Chikafuji was the stubborn type. She never took no for an answer. Therefore, just like she'd barged into my life without the slightest notice, she barged into my bedroom, meandering over the mess the best she could before arriving at my bedside.

Positioning her index finger underneath her lip, she dealt a pensive hum. "This surely is a problem. None of these clothes are suitable for impressing the boy you like. At least, I'm assuming that's what you're thinking."

I turned the other cheek. Oblivious to that, Chie smiled.

"As someone who's lived quite a bit of life, I'll gladly tell you that dressing in super fancy clothing or tall heels to impress men almost always backfires. It's uncomfortable, and all the blisters aren't worth that pain, even for the cutest boy on earth. Something comfortable is the best option. Because regardless of what you put on, the only thing that'll truly matter is who you are. And personality triumphs appearances any day."

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