Alejandro wasn't surprised with Allegro's decision and he trusted his brother to get it right. Allegro was no idiot, he understood people, and he knew how to control and manipulate a situation; it was what made him the leader, something Alejandro had excepted a long time ago.

"If you're sure." Elliot said, "I'll begin preparing."

Alessando opened his arms and Alejandro watched as Elliot floated into them, snuggling into his chest. The young man taking refuge in his younger brother, and suddenly Alejandro felt something he hadn't felt in a very long time, a hole in his chest; a feeling of longing that he hadn't had in years. He wanted that, he wanted love.


Alejandro stood beside Allegro and Elliot as they pulled up outside of Sai's house. The now familiar scenery making Alejandro uneasy as his thoughts ran to Rome. Was she still there? Had she already been given away? Alejandro fixed his suit jacket before giving Allegro a nod letting him know he was ready. With all his thoughts on Rome put on hold as Sai came out to greet them, something he hadn't done previously and Alejandro narrowed his eyes.

"Alejandro, Elliot." Sai greeted them.

Alejandro watched as Sai looked over Allegro, his eyes widening, definitely not expecting to see Allegro here today.

"Allegro Martini, a pleasure." Sai shook his head.

Allegro had his sunglasses on hiding his eyes as he greeted Sai.

"I hope my presence didn't take you by surprise."

Sai shook his head, "No, in fact it's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard so much."

Allegro grinned, "Good things I hope."

As they took their seats, Sai went over the deal for Allegro's benefit as Sai spoke, Alejandro found his eyes searching the background for small figure but with no such luck, he turned his attention to the shit Sai was spewing. Alejandro found himself wanting to strings Sai up and demand he tell him where Rome was, just so he could find her and keep her safe.

"May I use the restroom?" He asked.

Sai pointed out the directions and Alejandro nodded walking to his destination before peeking his head out to see if anyone was near before he continued down the hall. Poking his head into open doors in search of her. Most of the rooms were empty as Alejandro frowned, growing agitated that the rumor could actually be real. At the last door, Alejandro gently twisted the knob opening the door to darkness.

He narrowed his eyes in attempt to see before he heard a hoarse voice from inside.

"There's a light switch on the left side."

Alejandro followed instructions and flipped it on to see a woman lying down on a bed. She was totally covered by a blanket so Alejandro could only see her eyes, which were not the emerald green he was hoping for.

"Who are you?" He asked.

The woman only sighed, "No one, what are you doing snooping around?"

Alejandro gritted his teeth, "Looking for someone."

Alejandro noticed the woman's widening eyes, "For Rome?"

Alejandro nodded, eager to know if the woman knew what had happened to her.

"Did you leave your number with her?" She asked.

Alejandro nodded.

The woman hummed, "I found it when I was cleaning her room. She must have forgotten to take it."

Alejandro frowned.

"Where is she?"

The woman shrugged, "Hopefully far away by now."

Alejandro gave her a look of confusion, "She ran away. Sai was going to give her away to this German guy."

Alejandro felt his chest constrict.

"How long ago was this?"

The woman pursed her lips, "Three days. Sai's been looking for her ever since."

Alejandro nodded, this was it; he was going to find her. He had to find her, and he was going to find her before Sai did.

"Thank you." Alejandro nodded.

The woman nodded, "Do right by her when you find her. That girl was always kind to me."

Alejandro nodded before closing the door and suddenly after years of steady beating his heart picked up the pace.


A U T H O R ' S    N O T E

im excited for my babies to be reunited !

i hope you are too!

more to come


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