Prologue - Different

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(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(E/C) - Eye Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(M/N) - Moms Name


"Ms. (L/N) this is the fifth time this month." The annoying voice of the principal said making me cross my small arms over my chest irritated. "I'm sorry but we have to expel her."

A loud slam came from inside the metal office. "She's a little girl! Maybe your staff are the ones at fault if they can't even take care of her!"

There was another loud slam. I sighed looking at my black flats that hung a few inches over the ground. My bottom was starting to ache from sitting in this small blue chair. Hopefully, mommy would leave soon or the school would finally call the police. Whatever meant leaving sooner.

The door to the principal's office flew opened to reveal a woman in a white coat. Her (H/C) hair tied into a bun as fury danced in her (E/C) eyes.

"You're a worthless principal!" The woman shouted marching away as a small old man emerged from the doorway. The woman made her way towards me and I felt a bit relieved. Finally, get to go home. "Come on (F/N)." The woman flashed me a kind smile.

"Okay mommy," I responded hopping off the blue chair. My small hand was engulfed into her bigger ones as she leads me outside to the fresh air. We walked side by side on the busy sidewalk.

"Stupid school," Mommy mumbled under her breathe.

I looked up at her with a tilt of my head. "Did I do something wrong?"

Mommy immediately looked down at me with soft (E/C) eyes. "Of course not sweetheart. You were just honest with your classmates."

I was just more confused. Was telling the entire class they were going to die a bad thing? It was the truth everyone dies it's just a plain fact. Maybe telling everyone how they died was pushing it just a bit. Didn't they deserve to know how they get removed from the world?

"Now I have to find a new school for y-" Mommy stopped walking. I looked at her curiously to see her looking forward. I followed her gaze to see a man in a wheelchair with a grey beard and hair. "Chiron." She greeted forcing a smile as she approached the disabled man.

"(M/N)." Chiron responded with a smile. His dark eyes landed on me. "And this must be little (F/N)."

I felt mommy's hand tighten onto mine. "Yes." Mommy hissed sounding annoyed. "What are you doing here? There's no way Mr.D would be able to run that camp by himself."

"You and I know it is unwise to say bad things like that," Chiron said looking towards the sky like something bad was going to happen.

"What are you doing here?" Mommy asked again trying to keep her voice natural but I could hear it cracking a bit.

Chiron looked at her. They were silent almost like they were talking telepathically. Mommy was the first one to speak.

"No." She said backing away making sure to put me behind her. "She's not going."

Chiron sighed wheeling closer to us. "(M/N), it's time. She's going to get stronger, remember what happened last time."

Last time? I didn't know what they were talking about.

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