Chapter Three

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My phone ringing woke me up from the deep sleep I was having.
Blindly I reached for my phone, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Hello?" I said sleepily.

"Is this Dallas?" A deep voice asked.

"Yeah who's asking?" I answered warily.

"This is Henry, Judy's grandson. She told me you were looking for a job?" He said.
His voice sounded velvet like, and chills ran up my arms.

"Oh yeah I am, thanks for calling." I said, sitting up in the bed. That was fast.
"Be down at the shop in an hour, and you got yourself a job." He hung up after that.

The clock beside my bed read
8: 27 am.
A little shocked, I dropped the phone beside me, rubbing my face.
I tossed the covers off me, grabbing some clothes and my leather jacket. I got dressed in some ripped baggy jeans and a red sweater, my combat boots on my feet as always.
Going to the mirror near the bathroom I grabbed my concealer and began to cover the fading bruises on my face. Once they were hidden I grabbed my leather jacket and walked to my car, locking the motel room behind me.

Bee's Place was a small floral shop. The sign had a bee lit up on it, and flowers lined up outside.
How cute I thought sarcastically.

There was a man talking to a woman inside. A big smile on his face that showed off his perfect white teeth. He had a bed head kind of look to him, his hair was ruffled on his head. He had a pair of glasses perched on his nose, they suited him. A slight stubble lined his jaw. He was wearing a green sweater, and some jeans.
He was extremely handsome.

Please don't be Henry, please don't be Henry was the mantra I repeated to myself as I waited to be greeted.
The woman he was talking to thanked him and left, the small bell signaling the door opening.

He turned to me and smiled,
"Hi you must be Dallas?" He asked, a bucket of tulips in his hands.
Oh dear lord, I think my knees just went weak.
Keep it together Dal

"Yeah I am, are you Henry?" I asked.

"The one and only." He said, the smile still on his face.

I just simply nodded my head.
"Okay so you'll be working the counter mainly unless I need your help with the arrangements" he said as he showed me around the small shop.

After explaining how everything works he turns to me again.
"Do you have any questions?" He asked me, his deep voice was making my ears numb.
Gritting my teeth I replied,
"Nope, when do I start?"

"You can start today if you want." He says.
His eyes were a bright green, the sweater he wore suited him perfectly.

I nodded my head again, stuffing my hands into my leather jacket.

"You don't talk much, do you?" He asked me. He still had that damn smile on his face.
Narrowing my eyes slightly, "I guess not."

He chuckled at my response,
"Well welcome to Arizona, Petals."

Petals? Where the hell did that come from?

"Petals?" I ask.
His green eyes twinkled slightly,
"Your remind me of flowers, so I think the name Petals suits you. Don't you think."
And with that he walks away.

How the hell do I remind him of Flowers?
Gritting my teeth, I could began to feel my irritation rise.

Today would be a long day.
"God grant me the strength to not strangle this boy." I whisper to myself.

Picture of Henry above^
I see him as Gregg Sulkin :)

Petals in the WindDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora