Going on a date

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Here's another chapter, I hope you like it.

Two weeks later....

Saturday 9 am....

Davina's pov

I enter Gideon's room and a smile instantly appears on my face as I see Kol sat on the little sofa chair holding Gideon, securing the back of his head with his hand and pulling faces at him. "Who's daddy's little boy? You are, yes you are" Kol coos gently bouncing Gideon on his knee making him giggle. "You're a handsome little fella just like me" he coos pulling a funny face. Gideon squeals and waves his arms around making him chuckle.

Kol turns his head to look at me "look buddy it's mommy. Isn't your mommy gorgeous" he says making me blush as Gideon squeals. "What are you two doing?" I ask as I approach the sofa. "Just having a casual father and son conversation" Kol replies making me giggle "well it sure looks like you're having a blast" I respond as I sit down next to him on the sofa.

Kol hands Gideon to me "hey baby" I coo placing a little kiss on Gideon's nose making him squeal. "Awe my little baby is happy today" I coo as I gently hold him up as I kiss all over his belly making him giggle and kick his little legs.

"Yeah he is in a much better mood today unlike the last few days. I think he was just having a not so good day" Kol says for the last three days Gideon has been rather moody so it's good to see him all smiley and happy. "Well I'm glad to have my happy baby back" I coo as I kiss Gideon on the forehead.

"So I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date tonight?" Kol asks "I'd love to go on a date but Gideon..." I trail off as Kol cuts me off. "I've already spoke to Rebekah and she's more than happy to babysit for us so we can have some time to ourselves" he says tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear "okay, what time shall I be ready and what shall I wear?" I ask excited to go on a date with him.

"Be ready by 7 and wear something classy but casual" he replies "okay, I will. I look forward to it" I respond he smiles "me too" he replies "ehhh" Gideon coos waving his hands around making gurgling sounds. "Oh I'm sorry Mr little attention seeker" I coo causing a huge grin to appear on his face and he giggles. "My cheeky little baby" I coo as I sprinkle kisses on his cheek causing his face to light up as he giggles. 

I feel Kol staring so I turn my head to look at him to see him smiling at me. "What?" I ask but he just shakes his head "nothing, I'm just so very lucky that you're mine" he replies making me blush. "Well I'm lucky to be yours" I respond as I give him a kiss and Gideon tugs at my hair making me pull away. "Hey cheeky" I coo tickling his belly making him laugh. "We can kiss later on our date. This one requires our full attention" Kol says sending me a discreet wink making me blush.






10 hours later.... it's 6:55 pm

Kol's pov

I was downstairs in the hallway waiting for Davina to come down for our date.

Rebekah was stood next to me and I had hold of Gideon "so are you going to ask her tonight?" Rebekah asks "yes, I am. I have the ring you helped me pick out months ago" I respond "good. Where are you taking her?" She asks "I told you, I'm taking her for a nice candle lit dinner" I respond "how are you going to pop the question?" She asks "you'll find out soon enough. Now zip it, I hear Davina approaching and I don't want her to hear you because it'll spoil everything" I respond she huffs.

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