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Here's the new chapter following the previous chapter. I hope you like it. By the way things will be different from the movie. I know it was probably a few weeks after the invasion that Loki and the tesseract were taken to Asgard but it's gonna be a lot earlier in this.

Davina's pov

"Kol I'm pregnant" I say his eyes widen and his body tenses "mine?" He asks making me scoff "can't believe you would even ask that. Of course the baby's yours. I wouldn't do that to you, I'm not that kind of person" I respond feeling hurt that he would even ask if the baby's his. "I'm sorry, I know you wouldn't. I'm just in shock it's impossible. I can't reproduce because I'm a vampire and I know my brother did but that was a one time thing. I mean what are the chances of something like that happening again?" He says "Kol have you forgotten what me and my grandmother told you? It's a natural part of life for every species to create life and there's a spell preventing that for your siblings but you don't need the spell removed as you automatically can have children with me. I'm no ordinary girl Kol and you know that. Nothing is ever impossible with me" I say he sighs holding me close to him. "Are you definitely sure you're pregnant?" He asks causing me to pull away from him so I can pull out my baby's ultrasound picture. "I'm pretty sure" I say as I hand it to him, smiling slightly at the happy little twinkle that appears in his eyes as he looks at the scan picture. "How long have you known?" He asks "I only just found out yesterday after the whole alien invasion incident" I explain "I'm three months gone already. You know what that means right?" I ask "what?" He asks as I step closer to him and reach my hands up to his face, rubbing his cheeks with my thumbs. "That day you came up to see me. That day we spent making love all night long, we created something special. It appears you didn't leave me alone. You left a part of you with me" I say making him smile as he wraps his arms around me. He brings one of his hands up to my face, rubbing my cheek with his thumb. "We're gonna have a baby" he says "yes we are and our baby is going to be very special and will need all the love and protection we can give him or her" I reply "and our baby will get just that. God I am never letting you out of my sight again" he replies making my heart flutter as he kisses my forehead before kissing me on the lips making me smile as I return the kiss.

He breaks the kiss and frowns "what's wrong?" I ask "your hair it's different, when did you get it changed?" He asks "you're only just noticing my hair?" I ask teasingly "sorry I was too busy relishing in kissing you and the fact you're carrying my baby" he replies making me giggle. "So when did you have your hair done?" He asks "that's the thing I never had it done. My hair just ended up like this yesterday after I set myself ablaze and I didn't do anything to change my hair" I explain "hmm maybe it was the baby? Maybe the baby wants to make you look like a badass" he retorts "ah no bad words. Our baby will have very good hearing and I don't want our baby to be exposed to bad language" I respond "you're in mommy mode already" he says "I've been in mommy mode since the moment I found out yesterday. I totally freaked out and worried the baby might've been harmed by everything that happened yesterday" I respond "there's no harm done to the baby right?" He asks "no the baby's fine. The baby's more than fine actually. Dr Banner said the baby has a miraculous heart beat, the baby's organs are developing nicely and it's growing very well. He also said the baby is very strong" I respond making him sigh in relief "that's good" he replies "and check this out" I say lifting up my shirt allowing him to see my glowing stomach. "Is our baby doing that?" He asks "yes. Our baby is gifted, he or she has already started using it's powers. Our baby's going to be very powerful" I explain "this is incredible but we can't have my father and brother Finn know of this. I don't trust them one bit to not try anything to harm our baby" he replies "of course I understand that. We also can't have your mother finding out either considering she wanted Hope dead" I respond "that won't be a problem as my mother is dead" he replies making my eyes widen. "Really?" I ask "yes Clint shot her with an arrow when he and Natasha picked me up. She came to the compound and he instantly sensed she was a threat so he shot her and killed her" he explains "that's good that means me and Hope can come back to New Orleans" I respond "not quite. Me and my siblings still need to get rid of my father and deal with my brother Finn" he replies "oh I see well that shouldn't take too long right" I respond "hopefully it won't take too long" he replies just as there's a knock at the door. "We'll be out in a minute Fury" I say already knowing it's Director Fury "you have exactly one minute. We need to leave for the meeting with the council" Fury replies "well the stupid ass council can wait a minute" I retort as Kol tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear making me smile "so have you told your dad about the pregnancy?" He asks "not yet I don't think now is the right time to tell him. I spoke to him just before you got here and things are just awkward between us right now so I'm going to wait until things are a bit better before telling him" I respond "he didn't say anything that upset you did he?" He asks "no he didn't. He just kept saying sorry for what he's done and that he didn't have a choice" I reply "I heard your uncle will be taking him back to Asgard" he says "that is true and I will be accompanying him but don't worry I'll be coming straight back" I respond "okay" he replies as there's a loud knock at the door. "Alright I'm coming" I say annoyed "will you be okay with staying here while I go to this meeting?" I ask Kol as I open the door finding an impatient Nick Fury stood outside the door. "Yeah I'll be fine just go and do what you need to do" he replies taking my hand in his and interlacing our fingers as we follow Director Fury.

Kol stays with Agent Hill and Bruce Banner as he thought it would be best if he sat out on the meeting in case he hulked out in the middle of the meeting. My father is being escorted into a black van as right after the meeting me and my uncle will be taking my father back to Asgard along with the tesseract. 

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