Tale of Dahlia

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New chapter, sorry it's been a while. I've been pretty busy. Anyway enjoy the chapter.

Continues from previous chapter...

Kol's pov

Everything is completely silent in the living room. Me, Klaus, Rebekah and Freya are sat down, not saying a single word but Klaus keeps glaring at Freya and we all just keep glancing at each other but neither of us say a single word. The room is filled with an awkward silence until Davina walks in holding a tray with drinks and Trigger happily following after her. I stand up and walk over to her "let me carry that. Can't let you carry much" I say taking the tray from her "it's just a tray of drinks Kol" she replies as I place the tray of drinks on the coffee table "I know but what if you drop the tray? The glasses will smash and you might cut yourself" I respond "over protective much" Klaus says making me glare at him. "Shut up Nik" I snap "Kol, I love you for wanting to look out for me but you don't need to worry too much. I'm not going to hurt myself or over do anything" Davina says standing in my view so I'm no longer looking at Klaus. "I just want to be a good provider and carer for you and the baby" I respond she smiles "I know and I love you for that" she replies leaning up on her tip toes and giving me a kiss on the lips. "Okay could you two stop kissing? Freya has something to tell us and she's not gonna get anywhere if you two are being all touchy, feely" Klaus says "I swear to god, one more word Nik and I'm gonna shove a white oak stake up your arse" I snap earning a glare from him. "I dare you to do it" he retorts standing up "you really wanna test me brother?" I ask glaring at him, standing face to face with him. "I do" he replies shoving me by the shoulder "touch me again, I dare you" I snarl "alright that's enough. Stop arguing and sit your asses down. This tension isn't good for the baby" Davina says "well leave then, if you don't like it" Klaus replies pissing me right off "don't you dare talk to her like that!" I snap "what the hell is your problem Nik?!" Rebekah snaps "nothing, I'm just having a bad day" Klaus replies as he sits down. "Bad day my arse" I retort as I sit down, gently pulling Davina down with me, wrapping my arm around her. 

Freya glances at one of us "are you two done with your little spat or can I actually start talking?" she asks "yes, we're done. Now start talking" Klaus replies "okay where do you want me to start?" Freya asks "why did our mother lie about your death?" Rebekah asks "it all goes back to when our mother and our aunt were teenagers..." she starts but trails off as Klaus cuts her off. "Wait hold on? We have an aunt?" he asks "yes now be quiet and pay attention" Freya orders earning a scoff from him. "Don't mind me then, continue" Klaus replies waving her off "as I was saying. When our mother and aunt were teenagers, Esther our mother fell in love with the man we know as our father and she wanted to marry him but she found out she was baron, meaning she was unable to have children" Freya explains "what?" Rebekah asks in shock "our mother was originally baron but she was desperate to have a family with Mikael so she went to her sister for help and her sister agreed to help but with a price of course" Freya explains "what was the price?" Davina asks grabbing my hand and intertwining our hands, lacing our fingers together. "Her first born would be hers" Freya responded "you" Klaus replied "yes, me I was Esther's first born and she agreed to the deal. She didn't think it would be a problem, giving up a child for the sake of being fertile so she could have the family she desired" Freya explains "that's awful" Davina comments "yes it was. Our aunt did a spell using dark magic to make our mother fertile and not long after she married our father and she got pregnant with me. For a while Esther had forgotten about the deal but it came back to her when I was born and she was struck with the reality that she had to give me up but our aunt didn't turn up until I was 5 when I tapped into my magic" she explains I smile slightly at the thought I wasn't the only one out of my family to tap into magic. "Then what happened?" Rebekah asked "our aunt came and she took me. Esther tried to plead with her, not to take me but our aunt ignored her as she grabbed me and pulled me away from her. Finn was present at the time" Freya explains "Finn knew this whole time you were alive?" I ask "yes but he was sworn to secrecy not to say anything" Freya replies "that explains why he was such a momma's boy" Klaus retorts "our mother used his fear of our aunt to keep him close" Freya replies "what else happened on the day you were taken?" Davina asks "our mother threatened her sister, if she took me she would train in the dark arts and rise up against her. Take revenge against her for taking her first born child" Freya replies letting out a sigh. "Her sister didn't take it too well and threatened her back. If Esther tried anything, if she tried dabbling in the black arts to get back at her then she would return and she would come back for Finn and Elijah who our mother was heavily pregnant with at the time, reminding our mother that it was because of her we existed" she explains "what a bitch" Rebekah comments. "Our mother asked what she was suppose to tell our father and our aunt told her to tell him she died of the plague and then she walked off and our mother didn't even try to fight for me after that. She just watched on as I was taken away" Freya says "sounds like her. She was always a helpless mother unless she benefited from something" Klaus retorts. Freya bites her lip and glances down for a moment before looking back up. "There's something else you should know regarding the deal Esther made with her sister" she says "what is it?" Rebekah asks "price of a first born in return of making Esther fertile didn't just mean her first born. The price was every first born that came from her bloodline meaning your child Klaus and the child you carry Davina, that's if it is Kol's" Freya explains I instantly pull Davina closer to me. "Okay first of all. Fuck you, this baby is 100% Kol's and what the heck does that mean for Klaus's child and mine and Kol's?" Davina retorts "it means both children belong to our aunt because of Esther's deal" Freya explains "heck no. This baby is mine, not your freaky greedy aunt's baby" Davina growls "calm down. We have nothing to worry about because surely this so-called aunt of ours is no longer alive" Klaus replies "oh she is very much still alive" Freya replies "how?" Rebekah asks "when she learned Esther had turned you into vampires. She was furious, she wanted immortality but not at the expense of loosing her powers. She wanted to keep her powers but be immortal, so she began looking for ways to do that and she found a temporary solution. By linking us together and combing mine and her powers, she cast a spell on us that would put us to sleep for a hundred years but we would wake up for a day every century before going back into a deep sleep again" Freya explains "the point is Dahlia's alive and she will come. The second she senses your child use magic, she will come and she will take both children even if she has to wait a few months for you to give birth" she adds "no, your aunt cannot harm Klaus's child as she is currently under a very powerful protection spell that was placed on her by my grandfather the All-father and Dahlia's magic is nothing compared to his and as for my child well she can bloody well kiss that goodbye because she aint getting her hands on my baby unless she wants a terrible death sentence" Davina growls holding a hand to her baby bump. "Look you don't know Dahlia, she's powerful. More powerful than Esther and she will get what she wants unless we work together to protect the kids" Freya replies "you know nothing about me and believe me when I say. I'm way more powerful than Dahlia. No witch on earth can even compare to me" Davina replies "are you really that full of yourself?" Freya asks "hey back off! You don't know her. She happens to be a Goddess and she is really powerful" I snap defending Davina "impossible" Freya replies shaking her head in disbelief. "He's not lying, she is powerful and she is a Goddess. You should see what she did in New York, a few weeks ago" Rebekah adds "yeah, she is powerful" Klaus says "look even if it's true. We should still be prepared, we need to take every cause of action to protect the first borns in this family" Freya replies "Hayley and Klaus's child is under a strong powerful spell from my grandfather Odin. A witch no matter how powerful can break the past of a god. The spell on the child is unbreakable so Dahlia won't be able to get anywhere near the child and she definitely won't be getting her hands on my baby either, I'll rip her head off and send her ass straight to niflheim" Davina replies "what the heck is niflheim?" Freya asks "one of nine realms, it just so happens to be hell for bad and evil people" Davina explains "are you insane?" Freya asks "fuck off bitch" Davina retorts making me chuckle even though I probably shouldn't but Davina just doesn't care, if someone disrespects her or insults her, she'll insult them back as she doesn't take shit from no one. "I'm from Asgard. Ever heard of that place" Davina says "only in mythology. It's just a myth" Freya replies "it's not a myth. Asgard is real and I am of Asgard" Davina replies standing up. "I am Davina Lokidottir, goddess of fire, beauty and virtue. Daughter of Loki and Princess of Asgard" she says she changes into her Asgardian attire and her body glows as she starts elevating into the air as she conjures fire balls in her hands and her hair flows up with a halo like glow hovering around her. "Tell me Freya. Can Dahlia do any of this?" she asks forging her fire balls together and creating a fire whip and slashing it on the ground leaving a burn mark in it's place. Freya's eyes are wide with shock "n-no she can't do any of that" she says in shock "thought so" Davina replies placing herself back down on the floor and the fire whip disappears as her body goes back to normal and her attire turns back into normal clothes. She then sits down and I instantly kiss her on the cheek "It's so hot when you do things like that" I say she smirks and gives me a kiss. "Okay, don't start. Let's discuss this Dahlia situation" Klaus says "there's not much to discuss. Hope is under a Gods' protection spell and Davina and Kol's baby is untouchable. We can protect them from Dahlia and if she comes, we'll kill her" Rebekah retorts "no, I'll kill her. If she makes a threat against my child or my goddaughter then she's automatically on my kill list" Davina responds "you have a kill list?" Klaus asks "I do but don't worry. It's actually very small" she replies "do you even know where Dahlia is?" Rebekah asks looking at Freya. "I have honestly have no idea. I escaped from her a century ago" Freya explains "well then, we'll just have to keep an eye out but in the mean time. Davina you're going back to the farm house to look after Hope" Klaus says "do I have to go back so soon? Don't get me wrong I love Hope and I love looking after her. I just hate being away from Kol and I hate not being able to help when I have more than enough power to do so" Davina says "you may be powerful but I don't want you getting yourself worked up. Things might be calm here in New Orleans right now but that won't last. I can feel it so you must return to the farm house but I will come with you" I respond kissing her forehead "fine but Hayley, Elijah and Cami are there with Hope, so she doesn't really need me right now" she replies "Cami is coming back to New Orleans as is Elijah. Hayley will remain with you for a short time before returning here" Klaus replies "won't you and Hayley ever live with Hope? I know you have things going on and you're trying to make the city better and safer for her to grow up in but she's 7 months old, she's growing fast and she needs her parents" Davina says "Hope will come here when the time is right but for now I want her to stay away from the city and I need you to look after her" Klaus replies "of course but can Kol stay with me? Asgardian nor Jotum women partically like their partner being away from them when they're with child. Plus I have wild mood swings and Kol's the only one who help me with those" Davina explains "I'm afraid not. Kol must stay here. He has obligations to this family to be here when needed" Klaus replies Davina sighs and nods. "I'm gonna take a nap" she says getting off the couch "wait up, I'll come up with you" I say about to get up "no, you stay here. I want to be alone" she replies making me frown. I stay sat down as I watch her walk out the room with Trigger following behind her. "Klaus, you can't expect Kol to stay away from Davina. She's pregnant with his child, you hardly left Hayley's side when she was pregnant with Hope" Rebekah says "this is different. I'm trying to make a better, suitable place for Hope. Everything we're doing is for Hope and we can't be distracted. Kol stays here and Davina goes back to the farm house to look after Hope" Klaus replies "how long for Klaus?" I ask not wanting to be away from Davina. "For as long as I say so and until I decided it's safe for Hope. Hope comes first in this family Kol, remember that" he replies making me scoff. "What about my child?" I ask "your child comes second to Hope" Klaus replies "screw you Nik" I retort getting up and glaring at him before vamp speeding out the room and heading upstairs to check on my girlfriend.

I enter my room and find Davina crying on the bed. "Davina" I say gently as I shut the door "I told you I want to be alone" she says "no you don't" I respond walking over and crawling onto the bed. I lie down beside her and wrap my arms around her from behind. She turns around to face me "why can't Klaus let you be there for me?" she asks "he's an ass" I respond "Kol, I know you're loyal to your family and I adore Hope with all my heart and I will always look after her but our child needs taking care of too. I can do both those things at the same time but not without you. I need you, I can't stand being away from you and I'm scared that you'll miss the birth of our child or you'll hardly be there because Klaus wants you elsewhere" she says "that won't happen. I'm going to be there for our child, I promise" I respond "can you really keep that promise though?" she asks making me frown. "Darling, I promise I'll be there" I assure her "I hope you're right because I don't want our child growing up without you. I don't want you to miss a thing" she replies I sigh and kiss her forehead. "I don't either and I won't. Not even Klaus will stop me. I'll say enough is enough and I'll be right there with you and I won't leave you or our baby" I respond stroking her cheek, wiping away her tears. "I'm sorry if I'm over reacting. It's just very hard for soul mates to stay away from one another, even more so when they're expecting a child together" she replies "you're not over reacting. You have the right to feel this way" I respond as I kiss her softly. She returns the kiss and places a hand on the base of my neck. I stroke her cheek with my thumb as I deepen the kiss.

She breaks the kiss "when do I have to go back to the farm house?" she asks "in two days" I respond she sighs "let's make the most of it then" she replies "I'm going to be staying with you for two weeks tops" I respond "good" she replies before pressing her lips back against mine and I instantly return the kiss. We slowly start making out on the bed, I'm careful not to press my body against hers too much as I don't want to squish her baby bump.

End of chapter, what did you think? Freya told them about Dahlia. Freya was a little rude to Davina. Davina showed gave Freya a little preview of what she can do. Klaus is forcing Kol to stay in New Orleans. He insists Hope comes first and is more important. Davina's upset and Kol's angry with Klaus. What of Dahlia? Will she make an appearance? If so, will it be a long one or a short one? Stay in tune to find out

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