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Here's a new chapter, drama is really about to kick off here so I hope you like it. Certain elements and events will be different to how things went down in the Avengers movie.

Continuing from previous chapter...

Davina's pov

Me and Uncle Thor arrive at SHIELD'S helicarrier "wow" I mutter to myself slightly impressed by the massive flying machine. "Come on the Director wishes to speak with you and he'd like you to meet the others before you go and speak with your father" Thor says guiding me down a hallway "others? What others?" I ask "oh the others are the team. The Director's kind of making us a group" he explains "a group? As in like a band or something?" I ask making him chuckle "sort of but not the music kind of band. A band of heroes who save the day" he explains "okay" I reply just as we're stopped by a woman dressed in an agent type suit with the name take Agent Hill on it "who's this with you Thor?" one of them asks "oh this is my niece. I'm bringing her to meet Director Fury and the others" Thor explains just as another man approaches us, removing his sunglasses as he comes to a stop in front of us. I frown as I instantly recognize him as the Detective that I met in the elevator at the apartment block yesterday "hey I know you. You were that Detective that talked to me in the elevator" I say he gives me a small smile and nods. "Guilty. Agent Phil Coulson pleasure to meet you again. We are so glad you came" he replies "it's nice to meet you too, again and I'm happy to be here" I respond feeling nervous by all the looks I'm getting from all the SHIELD workers walking past me and eyeing me up. "So where's this Director Fury you speak of?" I ask turning to my uncle "is this her?" a voice asks from behind me so I slowly turn round to be met by a black guy wearing one eye patch and dressed in black from top to bottom, even his trench coat is black. This guy literally speaks badass.

"Who's the badass with the eye patch?" I ask my uncle earning chuckles from him, Agent Coulson and I swear I saw a hint of a smirk tugging at the corner of the badass looking guys lips

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"Who's the badass with the eye patch?" I ask my uncle earning chuckles from him, Agent Coulson and I swear I saw a hint of a smirk tugging at the corner of the badass looking guys lips. "the badass with the eye patch is Director Fury" Agent Coulson explains "oh um nice to meet you Director Fury" I say holding out my hand for a hand shake but I awkwardly put it back down by my side as he just eyes it. "Likewise. I'm glad you could make it on such short notice" he replies "of course" I respond nodding my head "so this is Loki's daughter? She doesn't exactly look like him" Agent Hill speaks up "my niece looks more like her mother" Thor replies "so Davina is it?" Director Fury asks "yes that's my name" I respond "right so if you and your uncle just follow me. We have much to discuss before we allow you to talk to your father" he replies I nod my head "of course" I respond following him as he turns around and starts walking away. 

As we walk down a hallway I hear people talking loudly that is until Director Fury steps into the room "Fury has Thor returned with Reindeer games child yet?" one man asks making me scoff and step into the room "one I'm not a child and two I have a name, it's Davina" I say narrowing my eyes as I stand in the room "feisty I like it" a man with a mustache says. A man with blonde hair looks at me "you're Loki's daughter?" he asks "Yes I am" I respond "you don't look like Loki. You have a cute face and look too sweet and innocent to be his daughter. You don't look that harmless either" the man with the mustache guy "excuse me Mr Mustache I may look all sweet and innocent but I'm one firecracker disaster waiting to happen if I get pissed off. I can kick ass and I'm a badass" I retort "I like her" the red headed woman says "Mr Mustache?" the Mustache guy says "well I don't know your name and you have a mustache so I've nicknamed you Mr Mustache" I explain earning a snicker from the guy who's kind of hiding himself away in the far corner of the room. "I'm Stark, Tony Stark" mustache guy says "nice to meet you Tony. I'm Davina" I respond "cool name" he replies as the blonde haired man stands up "Steve Rogers" he says holding out his hand which I instantly shake sensing that he's okay. "Nice to meet you Steve" I respond as I pull my hand back "I'm Natasha Romanoff. It's nice to meet you, I'm glad Fury decided to bring in another female to help. We could use a little more feminine help, the testosterone in this room is through the roof" she says making me giggle "nice to meet you Natasha. I like you" I respond earning a small smile from her. I turn to the quiet guy tucked in the far corner of the room "are you gonna come over and introduce yourself or shall I come over there? I'm not gonna bite" I say "so she says" Tony retorts making me shoot a glare at him. The quiet guy walks over "Dr Banner, Bruce Banner" he says "nice to meet you Dr Banner" I say holding out my hand for a handshake but I get nothing, I sense he's feeling very nervous. "You don't have to be nervous around me. I'm not gonna hurt anyone" I say sensing everyone of them in the room except for my uncle and Director Fury is feeling nervous by my presence. "She's safe, my niece is a good one" My uncle speaks up causing everyone to stop feeling nervous making me sigh. "So you wanted to discuss somethings before you let me talk to my father" I say turning to Director Fury. "We want to know what you know about your fathers plans" Tony speaks up before Director Fury can say anything "I'm sorry, I don't know anything about my fathers plans. Up until this morning I still thought my father was dead. I really am sorry for the chaos my father has caused" I respond "we can trust her" Thor says sensing that some of them don't quite trust me. "Look I'm going to lay my cards down on the table. I am Davina Lokidottior I am of Asgard and I am the goddess of Fire, beauty and virtue. It's not in my nature to cause trouble, I'm suppose to bring purity and goodness to others around me although I can set things on fire and cause mass destruction but I can control my powers" I say "so you know nothing about his plans whatsoever?" Tony asks making me groan in annoyance "what Stark meant to say was, is there anything you can tell us about your father that you should know that we perhaps don't know already" Director Fury says "my father is a complicated man in order to understand him you need to know his history. I don't know what my uncle has told you but my father has mental issues that's he suffered from for a very long time since the death of my mother" I respond "so he's mentally insane? Well we already knew that" Tony retorts "shut your damn mouth Stark!" I snap giving him a flare. "Your uncle has spoken to your father as have I. We've been trying to figure out why he's trying to start a war with us, why is he attacking our planet" Director Fury "I wouldn't know the reason until I've spoken to him myself but I'm guessing there is a reason. My father always has a reason for doing the things he does and one of my guesses is he's still hurting from discovering he's adopted and me going missing. He doesn't like showing how he feels instead he wants everyone else to feel how he's feeling, he wants others to know his pain but there could be something bigger at play here" I explain "like what?" Natasha asks "I don't know right this second" I respond as I pull out a bar of mint chocolate as I feel my stomach rumble. I open the wrapper and snap a piece of chocolate off and pop it in my mouth, humming slightly at the taste. "Oh mint chocolate? May I have some?" Tony asks making me glare at him and hold the chocolate closer to me "mine" I say giving him the stink eye as I walk round him making my uncle chuckle. Director Fury walks over to me "before we send you into talk with your father. We thought you should see the footage of when he arrived and after that Dr Banner and Mr Stark would like to run some tests on you" he says "why do they want to run tests on me?" I ask suspiciously "they want to test how powerful you are" Thor says making me scoff "what so they can use me and control me like a puppet?" I ask "no we just want to know in case any complicated situations arise" Director Fury explains "by complicated do you mean when I get pissed off?" I ask "basically yes and also so we know what help you could be" Tony replies "don't worry I've had it done to me. It's unnerving and it does make you tick but it allows you know just powerful you are, we can find out your strengths and weaknesses" Dr Banner speaks up "I don't like the idea of you people knowing my weaknesses. Don't get me wrong you all seem cool except for Stark but I don't exactly trust any of you" I respond "what are you talking about? I am cool. I'm the coolest" Tony speaks up "yeah right you're like the poster boy for being the worlds biggest douche bag" I retort earning a smile from Steve "she's funny" he says with a low chuckle. "Look you don't need to trust us, I have trust issues myself but I promise you we will not use your weaknesses against you" Director Fury speaks up "okay fine I'll allow Dr Banner and Mr Stark run tests on me but only if you swear to keep the results and details off your database. I don't want any information about me being put on your list or system, whatever you call it" I respond "you have a deal" Director Fury responds holding out his hand for a handshake "oh now you want to shake hands?" I ask sarcastically earning a low chuckle from everyone in the room as I shake his hand. I pull my hand away as Natasha walks over to me with a tablet of some kind "this is the footage of when your father attacked SHIELDS private base in New Mexico" she explains as she presses play and I sit down as I begin watching the footage while eating my mint chocolate. I suddenly frown when I see the tesseract and I instantly press play "why the hell do you have the tesseract?" I ask standing up abruptly causing my chair to screech back. Everyone exchanges looks "answer me! Why do you have the tesseract? Do you have any idea what that thing is or what it can do?" I ask "the tesseract was recovered from the Ocean while Stark's father was searching for Rogers here. It's been around since then but we've had it in our possessions for a while now" Director Fury explains "why did you keep it out in the open? Why were you testing it?" I ask "I'm afraid I can't tell you that" he replies making me scoff "the tesseract is highly dangerous. You people don't know what it can do and the fact you've had it and doing whatever it is you were doing signals a message" I say "what message?" Steve asks "it sends the message to other worlds that you're trying to start a war. That you're trying to gain power over them and other worlds don't react too kindly to that" I respond "don't they know that we're not trying to start a war?" Tony asks "no they don't it's not like they can travel here on their spaceships and say hi guys what's up? Are you trying to start a war with us by using the tesseract? The tesseract sends fear through other beings because of what it is and what it can do" I explain "well we don't have the tesseract anymore. Your father does he stole it" Director Fury speaks up trying to ease the tension. "Huh he stole an object that never really belonged to your world in the first place? That's bad news for you and probably great news for him" I respond "why is it bad news for us?" Tony asks "the tesseract acts as a portal between realms, if my father's trying to start a war and lead an army he will need such a portal to lead his army through and it's good news for him because well he's had an obsession with the tesseract ever since I was a child" I respond "why is he obsessed with it?" Steve asks "because I have a connection with it?" I ask "what do you mean you have a connection with the tesseract?" Fury asks "tell them" Thor says giving me a look making me sigh as I sit down. "Tell us what?" Tony asks "a little more than a thousand years ago the tesseract was on Asgard. When my mother was pregnant with me I was somehow drawn to the tesseract, I could feel it and sense it calling out to me and when my mother was asleep I somehow was able to control her body and made her sleep walk down to the vault where it was kept and when she was stood inches from it, I could feel the power reaching out to me. My father soon caught on and had my grandfather lock it away because he was afraid of what could happen to me and my mother but no matter where he kept it locked away, it didn't stop it from calling out to me and it only got worse when I was born. I could feel it calling out to me and it was frustrating because I couldn't physically go to it and somehow the tesseract sensed it and it went crazy. It was like it had a mind of its own and it needed to be near me. I can't quite explain it because I'm still not quite sure what it meant or why it happened" I explain making everyone go silent "tell them the rest" Thor encourages "when I was two years old, I had somehow been able to ignore the pull of the tesseract with the help of my grandmother but one night I couldn't shake the pull so I snook out of bed and I went down to where my grandfather had the tesseract locked away. I managed to get it out of it's display, I held it in my hands and I felt the power of it radiating against me, it made my veins like static electricity, it felt like I was being set on fire from the inside but it didn't hurt me. I felt rather comfortable actually for some reason. I then put the tesseract back as I heard someone approaching and the second I placed it back and begin walking away it started going off, shooting beams it alerted the person who was approaching. I froze and felt enchanted by the tesseract so I turned back around and began walking back towards it, dodging the beams that it was throwing. I then reached out to touch it and I was struck by a few of the beams, it knocked me off my feet and sent me flying but it didn't kill me. I felt the power of it rush through me, I had absorbed some of it's power but I didn't know it at the time as I passed out the second I hit the wall. After that my grandfather decided it was too dangerous to keep it on Asgard so he took it away and he brought it here on Midgard and he sealed it and buried it in a temple in Norway. My grandfather didn't hide the tesseract on earth on the intent for government organisations like SHIELD to get their hands on it. He hid it here on earth to keep me safe" I explain everyone is silent after that so I take that moment to open my second bar of mint chocolate and break it in half. "So you're linked to the tesseract?" Dr Banner asks "in a way yes. I think it's one of the reasons why my father took it. He didn't just take it for his intention to lead an army here to start a war, he also might've taken it in hopes I'd sense it and it would bring me to him which I guess in a way it kind of did" I respond before pressing play on the tablet to finish watching the rest of the footage. 

Daughter of a trickster God (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora