Turning up the heat

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Here's another chapter. I hope you like it.

Continues where we left off

Kol's pov

As I enter the kitchen I find Davina stood crying in front of the fridge making me frown. "Darling what's the matter?" I ask rushing over to her "there's no food. Only blood bags" she cries 'pregnancy hormones are acting up' I thought "okay we can go out and get you something to eat, okay? I'll get my brother to stock up food" I say grabbing myself a blood bag before I shut the fridge door. "Okay. I need ice cubes" she sniffles walking away and sitting herself at the table. "What do you want ice cubes for?" I ask walking over and sitting next to her. She shrugs "I don't know. I just want ice cubes" she replies "okay I'll get some ice cubes for you" I respond before ripping into my blood bag and sucking the blood out of it "thank you. Now are we going to stay here or are we heading back to the farm house?" She asks "we're going to be staying here for a few days" I respond making her frown. She gets up and grabs a rag and runs it under warm water in the sink. "How the hell did Esther manage to abduct you?" she asks as she walks back over to me and sits herself on my lap "I was out trying to find Rebekah and she snook up on me and snapped my neck before I realized she was behind me. Then I woke up chained in the witch cemetery" I explain as she starts wiping the blood off my face with the wet rag. "You should remember to never let your guard down, no matter where you are. My father taught me to always be aware of my surroundings and never let my emotions get the better of me. In order to remain strong in the face of an enemy, you must be aware and be prepared" she says her eyes lock with mine as she wipes away some blood that's near my eye. "That was my mistake, I was so angry that Esther and my brother had taken Rebekah. I just wanted to find her and get her away from them" I say as she takes the blood bag away from me as I had finished it and she places it on the table "that happens especially for over protective brothers" she replies as she goes back to cleaning my face of any blood "I'm not over protective" I retort she giggles, shaking her head at me. "Don't give me that crap. You care about your sister and that's okay. You don't need to act all tough with me. It's normal for older siblings to be protective over their younger sibling. I was the same for my younger sibling" she replies making me frown. "I thought you were an only child" I respond as she wipes away some blood from my neck "I am now. Two years after my mother died, there was this problem in Asgard involving this Stallion who belonged to an enemy. Nobody could get past this horse so my father took it upon himself to distract the stallion by turning himself into a mare and so off he went to distract the stallion and well the big fella got very rowdy. I didn't see my father for nine months, I wandered what had happened to him. I was upset that my father was nowhere to be found but then out of nowhere he showed up with this eight legged fowl in tow, my brother Sleipnir. It turns out my father had become pregnant from his encounter with the stallion, he had been stuck in mare form until he gave birth and then he came home and suddenly I had a brother. Sleipnir soon become my best friend, he was the best brother I could ask for despite the fact he was a horse but that didn't matter, he was family" she explains before sighing as a sad smile appears on her face. "A few years later, there was an issue going on in some other realm so my brother was sent away to help aid the army that were sent there but he didn't return. He died and I never got to say goodbye. I was angry at my grandfather for a long while after that, I didn't speak to him for six months. My father was no better, he blamed him for his death and he isolated himself from everyone except me, knowing I was grieving the same as he was" she explains tears stream down her face so I quickly wipe them away, taking away the now bloodied wet rag from her seeing as she had more or less cleaned off any blood on my face and neck. "I'm sorry that happened" I say she sniffles "it's okay. It's not your fault besides it happened so long ago" she replies I grab her hand and lift it to my lips, placing a kiss on her knuckle making her smile. "So your father turned himself into a mare and got pregnant?" I ask amused making her giggle "yes he did" she replies "strangest thing I ever heard" I comment "hey someone had to distract the stallion and he did just that, perhaps a bit too much" she replies making me chuckle. "You know a lot of people say my father is no good, that he's nothing but trouble and after what he did in Germany and New York, people will consider him a monster but they don't know him the way I do. My father is full of mischief and tricks but deep down he is a good man. My father is one of the most intelligent people I know, he's strong but he is sensitive. He dotted over my brother, he taught me so many good values. He'd do anything for me and for Sleipnir, he also would've done anything for my mother but nobody sees that because he hides it all. He never lets anyone get too close to him because he's afraid of the possibility that he could lose them and that would hurt him which is why it was so out of character for him to betray Asgard and try to kill Thor. I mean I understand he found out he was adopted and he has a right to be angry and upset about that but he never wanted to over throw Thor or take the throne. He only ever wanted to be his equal and be treated like everyone else" she says her eyebrows furrowing as she speaks deep in thought. "I believe you" I say honestly "you know what the funniest thing was about my father getting pregnant and giving birth to my brother?" she asks "no, what?" I ask "he wasn't father to my brother. He was mother so whenever he entered a room. I'd greet him with hi father and Sleipnir would greet him with hi mother. So Loki's my father but he's Sleipnir's mother" she explains "that's not confusing" I respond making her giggle. I kiss her forehead as I wrap my arms around her "thank you for coming for me. I know I wanted you to keep out of this but I feared I would be left in my mother's hands for weeks if it was left to my siblings. They'd search for like a day and then give up because that's what they like to do when it comes to me" I say she frowns and gives me a small smile as she strokes the side of my face "well I'd never give up on you. Actually we'd never give up" she retorts placing a hand on her stomach. "This little bundle of joy got a little scared when they heard their daddy was missing but together we found you" she says making me smile "well I hope our little bundle of joy isn't so scared anymore because I'm right here" I respond rubbing her stomach "the baby is very happy and is completely content now that you're safe and okay" she says "good" I respond before suddenly standing up with her in my arms, so I'm holding her bridal style. "What are you doing?" She asks with a giggle "taking you upstairs. I need a shower and I want a cuddle afterwards" I respond vamp speeding out of the kitchen and upstairs to my room.

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