Welcome home (sort of)

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Here's another chapter, I hope you like it. Please vote and comment at the end, thank you.

Two days later....

Kol's pov

We all stand up as Klaus walks into the compound with Hope in his arms and Hayley walks in after him. Rebekah instantly rushes over and starts gushing over Hope "aw look at her. She looks like you Nik, she's so cute" she coos "she might look like Klaus but she doesn't act like him. She's a little sweet pea" Davina comments earning a glare from Klaus "just you wait. She will be just like me" he retorts "I sure as hell hope not. We don't want another paranoid ego maniac psychopath running around" I respond earning myself a glare from him making me smirk. "Hope will be a good girl. Not a copy of you, we don't want a repeat of the Marcel scenario because unlike Marcel. Hope is actually your own flesh and blood so try not to make her be like you" Elijah comments "Hope will grow up to be a happy, decent girl with a loving family" Hayley says "are you sure you're in the right house? Because this family isn't so loving" I retort "I find you very loving, at least you were to me last night" Davina comments giving me a cheeky smile making me smirk and pull her to my chest making her giggle. "That's because I love you and I will only be loving to you and our little munchkin and any other little ones we might have" I respond earning a smirk from her "hmm planning to put another baby in me already are we?" she asks teasingly "well I put this baby in you just fine so who's to say I can't do it again? I'll sure as hell have fun trying" I respond making her giggle and wrap her arms around my neck "ohh daddy tell me more" she purrs making me growl and kiss her passionately making my siblings and Hayley groan and scoff in disgust. "Take that elsewhere" Klaus says making us pull away "what's up your butt today Klaus? Is Cami not home?" Davina asks with such sass in her tone it has my cock twitching "yes she is but that's not the point. None of that nasty stuff in front of us, take it elsewhere" he retorts "oh sod off Nik. We'll do whatever we want" I retort while holding my girl close to me just as I held her close last night after a very steamy make out session that lasted an hour. "At least don't do it in front of Hope. You wouldn't like it if someone started shagging in front of your kid" Rebekah retorts "okay first of all, our kid isn't here yet and we plan to live elsewhere when our baby is born and second of all Hope is asleep" I respond pointing to Hope who is fast asleep in Klaus's arms. "Wait, what do you mean you'll live elsewhere when the baby comes? You will remain here with us" Klaus says "says who?" Davina asks sharply "says me. We stick together, nobody is moving out that includes your child" he responds pointing at her baby bump making me growl protectively as I keep a protective hold on Davina. "I'm sorry, did my ears just deceive me or did I actually just hear you order and demand where my daughter and her child live?" Loki asks appearing out of nowhere and finally showing his face again after being cooped up in his room for the last two days "this has nothing to do with you" Klaus retorts making Loki chuckle "oh but it does as Davina is my daughter and the child she carries is my grandchild so this does concern me as I don't like the fact some pillock is trying to control where my grandchild lives. You are not the parent of that child, Kol and Davina are so they get to decide where they live and raise their child. For all you know they might want to raise their child on Asgard" Loki responds walking past me and Davina, giving me a discreet stink eye for holding his daughter so intimately making me suddenly feel like I'm going to shit myself from how nervous I suddenly feel. "This is my house, you cannot come in here and speak to me that way!" Klaus snaps Loki stops walking and tilts his head, narrowing his eyes "are you really that much of an idiot that you are apparently trying to argue with a god? Oh wait yes you are" he responds answering his own question making me bite my tongue so I don't laugh.  "My daughter and the child she carries are of Jotun and Asgard. Davina is a Goddess and the child will be a god or goddess too" Loki says "says who? What makes you think the child will be a god or goddess?" Freya asks arrogantly making me roll my eyes "um hello? The mother is a goddess meaning the child will be too or a god if it's a boy. Well actually the child will more likely be a demi-god since the father isn't a god. Honestly do you have a brain in that head of yours?" he asks making me snicker making everyone look at me. "Shit, I'm sorry. Don't mind me, continue" I respond using the crook of Davina's neck to bury my head to hide my face from everyone. "There is no need to be rude" Elijah speaks up "oh please don't you start. You sound like Thor and bloody Odin mixed together. Gives me a right headache that does" Loki retorts before turning back to Klaus. "I don't mean to go off on one but I don't take kindly to some oath that is trying to control where my daughter and grandchild live. I want what is best for them and I can tell you I don't really want my daughter and grandchild living here but I'm not going to force them to leave because it's Davina and Kol's choice" he says Klaus opens his mouth to respond but Rebekah slaps a hand over his mouth "Nik just keep your mouth shut, it will do you a world of good" she says making everyone chuckle "I like you. Thor will lucky to have you" Loki comments "why what you say that?" Rebekah asks "you don't know, do you?" Loki asks "know what?" she asks "you and Thor, you're soul mates" he says "WHAT?!" me, Nik, Elijah and Freya yell while Rebekah sort of freezes and Hayley's just standing there not knowing quite what to do. "W-what? How do you know that?" she asks "well didn't you feel something when you met Thor? Like a tingle or flutter in your stomach? Did you feel anything?" Loki questions "well yes a little but it was probably nothing" Rebekah responds "it wasn't nothing. You always get a feeling when you meet your soul mate, it might be small and not noticeable at first but the more you see them, the stronger that feeling gets. You always start thinking about them. Have you been thinking about Thor since you met him?" Loki asks "yes, kind of" Rebekah responds "he's been thinking about you too. Although he's confused by it, he hasn't quite made the connection that you are soul mates yet but he will" he replies "it's a load of nonsense, it's just lies!" Klaus snaps "oh but I'm afraid I am not lying. Thor and Rebekah are soul mates, they've been paired by the universe and you do not refuse or ignore the universe. Davina and Kol obviously didn't because look where they are" Loki retorts pointing to me and Davina "the universe wanted them to have a child" Freya says "well as soul mates they will have children, do wake up darling. You're being a little slow for my liking" he retorts turning back to Rebekah. "You might not believe me but you will soon believe when the universe gives you the signs" he says "he cannot be her soul mate!" Klaus snaps waking Hope up causing her to cry making Hayley shoot forward "hey baby girl. It's okay, I'm right here let's go into the kitchen while your daddy has a screaming match with the god" Hayley coos taking Hope from Klaus and walking away. "Why can't Thor be her soul mate?" Loki asks "because he believes no man is good enough for his little sister. He kills any man I fall in love with and if he doesn't kill them then he compels them to forget about me" Rebekah explains "well aren't you pleasant? I understand why you may think no man is good enough for her. I thought the same way about my daughter and spent years and years chasing boys away that sought my daughter's attention but of course she wasn't interested in any of them. She only wanted her soul mate" Loki says making me feel slightly jealous that there were boys who wanted Davina, not that I blame them but I hate the thought that she could've been with someone else before me but obviously I know she wasn't because I took her virginity and she told me she hadn't really courted anyone as Asgardian's call it. "She's my sister" Klaus retorts "yes I understand that but it's not up to you to decide who your sister gets involved with. She can make her own choices" Loki responds "I suddenly really like your father Davina" Rebekah comments "doesn't matter. Rebekah is seeing someone and from what I know Thor is seeing someone too" Klaus says "actually I'm not seeing Marcel anymore. We broke up again and this time it's final" Rebekah retorts "well there's just Thor then. He's got his girlfriend, so there will be no relationship happening between him and my sister" Klaus responds "true he has a girlfriend for now but it won't last much longer, once he figures out Rebekah is his soul mate. He will dump the mortal he's dating because he can't ignore destiny or the truth, he'd never be able to look at Jane or feel the same way about her again if he tried to ignore it. He'd drive himself up the wall as that's what happens when a soul mate tries to deny or ignore their true and intended soul mate. Don't worry he's yours, you just have to wait a little while for him to figure it out" Loki responds patting Rebekah on the shoulder. "Not under my watch. God or not, he will not be dating Rebekah!" Klaus snaps "my god I am getting tired of hearing your voice. You really are an utter twat" Loki retorts making me snort and chuckle quietly against Davina's neck earning an elbow to the stomach from Davina making me grunt. "You can't get in the way of soul mates my friend. You can try but you will fail miserable and there will be consequences if you actually do try to sabotage them" Loki says before turning to me and Davina "right I believe that's enough for today. I'm going back upstairs to my room for the rest of the day. I'll see you all whenever I get bored" he says waving as he heads upstairs without another word. "Davina your father is an arse" Klaus comments "you only think he's an arse because you got told by him" Rebekah retorts before vamp speeding away to the kitchen. "Well moving on let's start planning this welcome home party for Hayley and Hope" Freya says trying to ease the tension in the room "me and Kol will go and buy some bourbon and food to make appetisers for the party" Davina says pulling away from me and grabbing my hand "get some champagne while you're at it" Rebekah responds poking her head out the kitchen "got it" I respond before vamp speeding out of the compound with Davina.

Daughter of a trickster God (On Hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon