Long lost sister

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Here's a new chapter, I hope you like it.

Continues on from previous chapter...

Davina's pov

Me and Kol arrive downstairs where Rebekah is but instead of seeing her. We see an unfamiliar woman, she has brown skin, black hair and brown eyes. "Rebekah?" Kol asks as we approach her making her turn away from Klaus. "It is me brother. I'm glad to see you're okay" she replies before her eyes move to me. "Hi Davina, what are you doing here?" She asks "I came to rescue Kol from your mother" I respond moving out from behind Kol causing her eyes to widen as they land on my baby bump. "Holy shit, you're pregnant" she says Kol holds my hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. "Yes I am and before you ask, yes Kol is the father" I respond she smiles "I'm going to be an auntie again?" She asks "yes you are" I respond with a smile "this is great news. We're going to have another baby joining the family" she responds "congratulations to you both" she adds "thank you Bekah. It means a lot" Kol replies "so um how far along are you?" She asks "four months and a few days" I reply "you look way further along than that" she responds "yes I know but it's normal. The baby is part Jotun like me and Jotun babies are always bigger than normal Asgardian or human babies" I explain making her nod "well I'm happy for you and I can't wait to to meet the new member of the family" she replies as Klaus walks over. "Okay enough talking about the baby. We have more important matters to discuss" Klaus says making me and Kol scowl. "Like what?" Kol asks "it appears our mother lied to us regarding our sister who is apparently very much alive" Klaus explains "what?" Kol asks in shock "our older sister Freya is alive. I met her in the fauline cottage and she helped me escape" Rebekah explains "where is she now?" Kol asks and Rebekah shrugs "I don't know, she just told me she'll see us soon and then walked off into the night" Rebekah replies "how could she be alive? Is she a vampire like us?" Klaus asks "she's a witch, not a vampire. I don't know how she's alive but she is and she's coming here soon to see us so we should prepare ourselves and by that I mean I need to be put back in my real body" Rebekah replies "well I can help with that. All I need to do is remove your soul from this body and put you back in your real body, it won't take any longer than two minutes" I respond "is it safe?" Klaus replies "well of course it's safe. I've done it a few times and don't worry it doesn't hurt" I respond "okay let's do this" she replies "first though, where is your real body?" I ask "that's the thing, I don't know. My mother hid it somewhere" Rebekah replies "oh not to worry, I can find it. I just need something that belongs to you" I respond she nods "okay, I'll be right back" she replies and heads upstairs. "Do you need to prepare anything to remove Rebekah's soul from that witch's body?" Klaus asks "no, I just need my hands and my powers. No need for a spell" I respond as Rebekah comes back down. "Here's a necklace of mine" she says as she hands me the necklace. I smile and hold it in my hands, I wave a hand over it causing the necklace to glow for a moment and then it floats up in the air. "Okay now all you need to do is follow the necklace and it will lead you to your real body" I explain Rebekah nods "okay, thanks Davina" she replies before following after the necklace. "Okay now I'm going to sit and wait until she comes back" I say and head to the living room. Kol follows after me "this soul removing thing, it won't affect the baby will it?" he asks as we sit down on the couch "of course not. I wouldn't do it if it affected the baby besides I've done it twice already today with your mother and Finn" I respond "okay good, I was just checking" he replies "I know" I respond as I cuddle up to him. He wraps an arm around me and places a hand on my baby bump, earning a kick from the baby. "You know, you will probably have to go back to the farm house tomorrow right?" he says making me groan. "Do I have too, I don't wanna be away from you again" I respond "yes because the farm house is much safer for you at the moment" he replies "I can protect myself Kol besides what if everything in New Orleans is solved??" I ask "I know you can protect yourself, I just don't want you getting stressed and even if everything in New Orleans is solved, it doesn't mean we'll stay here. I'd actually like for us to remain at the farm house or at least stay there for a little while, just me and you" he responds "that doesn't sound too bad. We can have so much fun together at the farm house, no interruptions" I respond trailing my hand up his chest and wiggling my eyebrows making him chuckle "that's exactly why I think it would be perfect for us to spend a couple weeks there once we know for sure everything here is settled, plus the farm house is technically yours since Director Fury picked it out for you" he replies "well actually it turns out Director Fury didn't pick it out. Apparently the farm house belonged to Tony Stark, it was a property he owned that he never used so he gave it to Director Fury who gave it to me for sanctuary for me and Hope" I respond "there isn't any tech stuff hidden in the house is there?" Kol asks "well aside from the tv and cable, the telephone line and the security in the house, no there's no tech stuff" I respond "good I wouldn't want those SHIELD agents spy on us" he replies "don't worry, I had a deal with Fury that they wouldn't install cameras and they wouldn't follow me around" I respond "good because if they did, they'd be seeing some very inappropriate footage of us" he replies wiggling his eyebrows "we never even got to do anything remotely inappropriate apart from take a bath together because Cami was always around and she had a habit of entering without knocking" I respond "don't remind me, she's the biggest cock block I know aside from Klaus. He has that habit too" he replies making me laugh slightly as I remember how Klaus had walked in on me and Kol when we were having sex for the first time but it didn't stop us as we were way too horny to care. 

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