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Here's a new chapter, I hope you liked the last one things were getting interesting in that chapter and things will continue to heat up in this chapter so enjoy.

Davina's pov

I wake up with a grunt as pain rushes through my head as I sit up straight away was my mistake as my head spins so I blink my eyes and shake my head before looking at my surroundings. I'm on some medical bed "hello?" I call out as I swing my legs off the bed and place my feet on the ground before slowly standing up. I bring a hand to my stomach as I feel a slight discomfort but it soon goes away once I place my hand against my stomach. I exit the little room I was in and follow the voices of the others "oh look who's awake" Tony says as I enter the room and glance around the room seeing only Tony, Steve and Director Fury in the room. "Are you feeling alright? You took quite a nasty bump to the head" Steve asks looking concerned "yeah I'm fine. How long have I been out?" I ask "two hours, we tried to check your vitals while you were out but you seem to have a rather strong protective shield" Director Fury informs me making me frown. "What protective shield? I don't have one well there's my scepter but I don't have that on me right now" I respond "well when our medical aid approached you and tried to touch you, there was a spark of some kind that came from within you and it sent the medical aid flying" Director Fury explains "oh that's new to me" I respond as I sit down next to Steve. "Where is everyone?" I ask looking for my uncle, Dr Banner and Natasha "Natasha is currently with Agent Barton, one the agents your father took control of. We managed to get him back and Natasha's making sure he's okay" Director Fury informs me "okay what of my uncle and Dr Banner?" I ask "well Dr Banner became the Hulk and went A wall, we don't know where he is right now and your uncle we're not sure if he's alive or not" Tony explains making my eyes widen "what do you mean you're not sure if he's alive or not?" I ask "it turns out what happened was a result of your father. He purposely got everyone wound up and he had his flying monkeys come. They blew up part of the helicarrier which set the Hulk off and they got your father out. Your uncle went down to confront him and he ended up getting trapped in the cage your father was in and your father pressed the button to make the cage drop so we don't know if he's alive or not" Tony explains "my uncles a god, he's strong and mighty. I'm pretty sure he survived and is probably making his way back here" I respond I frown as I notice their glum looks. "What else happened?" I ask "your father killed Agent Coulson when he tried to stop him from escaping" Director Fury explains "I am so sorry. Agent Coulson seemed like a really nice guy" I say feeling guilty for what my fathers done and angry at him for killing a good man. "He was, Agent Coulson was one of the only people I trust in SHIELD and he was the only one who believed in the Avengers initiative" Director Fury responds making me frown "the Avengers initiative? What's that?" I ask "it was an idea SHIELD came up with a few years ago" Tony explains "what sort of idea?" I ask Director Fury looks at me just as Natasha enters the room along with another man. I freeze sensing he was the man who dropped me on my head after throwing me on his shoulder but I relax as I know it wasn't his fault as he was being mind controlled. He spots me and his eyes widen "I'm sorry about earlier" he apologies "no worries you didn't have any control over your actions, there for you are forgiven" I respond flashing him a small smile. "What are we discussing now?" Natasha asks as she and Barton sit down "I was about to explain to Davina what the Avengers initiative is" Director Fury replies "oh does that mean you're going to recruit her and make her part of the team? Honestly we could use another girl on the team" Natasha says "that depends on her answer" Director Fury replies before turning to me. "Davina a few years ago there was an idea to bring together a group of remarkable people to fight the battles we couldn't, we call it the Avengers initiative" he explains "that's not a bad idea but let me take a guess. Not everyone believes in the program right?" I ask "you are right, the avengers was shut down by the world council as they considered it a lost cause" Director Fury explains "so instead they had you test the tesseract and create weapons with it?" I question "that is correct" he replies "that's because they don't believe in us, they believe they can solve every major problem with weapons. Using weapons isn't always the answer to everything. No offense Fury but the world council sound like they are a bunch of assholes and I'll gladly tell them that" I retort "I like her, she's bold" Tony says "I know I'm awesome" I respond playfully flicking my hair behind my shoulder earning a few chuckles from them. "Can we get back to the matter at hand?" Fury asks "yes of course, sorry Fury" I respond "now you know about the avengers initiative, would you consider being apart of it?" Fury asks "I would it's just I have my goddaughter to look after. Her family are in a tough situation right now so I'm left to protect her and keep her safe. I can't really keep her safe if I'm running around fighting battles" I respond "we understand but just know if you change your mind the offer still stands. Your uncle speaks highly of you and we would love to have you on the team as would I" Natasha replies "I'll keep that in mind but I promise you this. I will help you stop my father, I will help you stop this war that my father intends to start" I respond earning small smiles from them all. "Good because we know where your father's going to lead the army from" Steve replies "where?" I ask "from the Stark tower" Natasha replies "why from there? What's so special about it?" I ask making Tony scoff "well it just so happens to be my penthouse but it's special because my tower is the only thing in New York that's running on clean energy and that's exactly what your father needed to open his portal. He wants to keep the portal open for as long as he wants and from my father he can do that" Tony explains "is he heading there right now?" I ask "yes as are we. So I suggest you gear up because this is going to get messy" Natasha says "okay but may I just be excused? If my fathers leading an army to New York, I have to call my friend and get her and my goddaughter out of New York" I say "you can use one of our helicopters to get them out of here" Director Fury offers "thanks take me to it" I respond "I'll go with you in case you need back up" Barton says standing up I nod "okay, once I've got them out of New York me and Barton will come right back" I respond before running out the room with Barton. 

Daughter of a trickster God (On Hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon