Moving time

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New chapter, enjoy.

One week later....

Davina's pov

So me and Kol have just moved to the safe house with Gideon, my father and the dragons. Kol's siblings helped us move things in as I wanted to change some things about the house. Kol and my father also took to sorting out a room for Gideon. They spent two whole days working on the room for Gideon. They never got round to finishing the room back at the compound so Gideon had been sleeping in the bassinet basket since he was born. He's only a week old but boi do I love being a mom, I love my little boy. Gideon is just amazing, I can't begin to describe how much I love him. He's so calm and placid for a one week old. Kol is completely besotted by Gideon and he adores him. My father is also taken by him too, he did hold him in the end and I saw a smile on my father's face that I hadn't seen in a while. My father was so taken by him, me and Kol sometimes have to try and pry him off him as he won't let go of Gideon. He's insistent on always being nearby to make sure he is safe. My father even snook into mine and Kol's old room at the compound and sat in the rocking chair, watching over Gideon in his sleep which was terrifying for me and Kol to wake up and see him sitting there.

We move the last of the boxes into the house "okay, now we just have to unpack" I say "no, we don't" my father replies flicking his wrist causing a green glow to flow around the room and within seconds all the boxes are unpacked and everything is put away. "We could've just unpacked the normal way" I say looking at my father "the normal way is boring" he replies "I sure hope everything went in the correct place" I respond "don't worry they did" he replies "hey, look who's just woken up" Kol says as he picks up Gideon from the bassinet in the middle of the living room and cradles him. Gideon gurgles at Kol making him chuckle. I walk over to them "hey baby boy" I coo earning a little smile from him making my heart melt. "You are just the cutest little baby in the whole world" I coo as I stroke his head before placing a kiss on his forehead. Gideon giggles and grabs my hand making me giggle. "Ohh you're hungry are ya? Come on baby mama's gonna feed you" I coo taking him from Kol as he told me he's hungry through our mental link. Me and my son can easily communicate through our minds which of course isn't something new since I read his thoughts all the time when I was pregnant with him. "Come on, let's get you fed and then I can cuddle you" I say speaking in a baby voice which I've developed a habit of doing and Gideon seems to like it because he smiles and giggles at me. 

I sit myself and pull my top down and since I'm not wearing a bra. Gideon instantly latches onto my nipple and starts suckling. "Well if you need me, I'll be upstairs in my room" my father says leaving the room without another word. "Would you like something to eat love?" Kol asks "I'm good but I'll have a glass of water" I respond "coming right up" he replies leaning down and giving me a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room while I feed our son. 

Kol soon returns with a glass of water and places it on the coffee table. "Do you want to watch a movie or something?" he asks as he sits next to me "sure, put anything on as along as it's not scary. I don't want our little boy to see or hear anything scary" I say speaking in a baby voice as I look down at Gideon. "You know it's kind of cute when you speak in a baby voice" Kol comments making me blush "really?" I ask he smiles and nods "yeah" he replies "well that's very good to know" I respond speaking in a baby voice making him chuckle. He kisses me on the forehead before switching on the tv and flicking through the channels until he comes to a movie channel. "So Gideon's room. Is it finished?" I ask "there's just one more thing that needs to be sorted. I think your father's seeing to that right now as I can hear him pacing around in Gideon's room" he replies "that's good, it's about time Gideon started sleeping in an actual crib and not the bassinet even if it is comfortable" I respond "I think he likes the bassinet. We might have trouble getting him use to a crib" Kol replies "yeah, I know but we can handle it" I respond as Gideon pulls away from my nipple. "Could you take him for a minute and burp him while I sort this out?" I ask gesturing to my exposed breast and top. "Sure. Come here buddy" he says as he gently takes Gideon from me and holds him against his chest and begins rubbing his back while I wipe away any milk that is dripping from my nipple before pulling my top up to cover my breast. "You know I love breastfeeding but having leaky nipples is really annoying. They just start randomly leaking" I say "well I can always solve that issue for you" Kol replies wiggling his eyebrows at me making me snort. "Ew, no that's gross" I respond gently nudging him in the side with my elbow "what? Can't a guy be a help to his girlfriend if she's having trouble with leaky nipples?" he asks cheekily "I mean, you can't let all those extra drops of milk go to waste. I don't think our boy here will be very happy if his milk is going to waste even if it is a few drops. You know how much our boy loves your milk" he adds as he keeps on rubbing Gideon's back until a loud burp escapes his mouth. "Oh, wow that was a very big burp" Kol coos as he gently holds Gideon in front of him with one hand securely holding his head and his other hand supporting the rest of his body. "That was a big champs burp that was" he coos kissing Gideon on the forehead making me smile at the two of them. "You burp just like your daddy" I coo as I stroke Gideon's cheek "yeah...wait...hey" Kol responds making me laugh at the expression on his face so I give him a quick kiss on the cheek before I gently take Gideon from him and hold him in my arms. 



1 hour later....

Me and Kol look up as my father enters the room "Gideon's room is now ready" he says clapping his hands "really?" I ask adjusting Gideon in my arms, carefully holding him to my chest. "Yes, now come and have a look" my father replies motioning me and Kol to follow him upstairs.

We follow my father all the way upstairs until we stop outside a door and my father pushes the door open allowing me to step inside. I gasp as I enter the room "it's perfect" I say gently bouncing Gideon in my arms as I look around the room. "Perfect for a Prince" my father comments. The room is blue and it's got smooth grey carpet, a beautiful white canopy crib which seems to have lights within the canopy curtains. There's a draw on the right hand side of the room and there's a rocking chair on the left hand side, there are also beautiful cuddly toys in the room for Gideon to play with when he's a little bit older. The room over all isn't too big but it's also not too small, it's perfect for Gideon.

(Here's the room, it's actually bigger than it looks in the picture)

(Here's the room, it's actually bigger than it looks in the picture)

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"Look Gideon this is your bedroom. This is where you'll be sleeping" I coo adjusting Gideon in my arms so he can properly see the room. He gurgles and lets out a little cooing sound as his beady little eyes glance around the room. "You like it huh?" I say in a soft voice "your daddy and grandpa did this room. Haven't they done such a great job?" I coo "he likes it and you like it. That's great now I'm gonna check on the dragons" my father says "oh yeah, I'll be down to see to them in a moment" I respond my father nods as he exists the room. Gideon lets out a little yawn "I'm gonna put you down for a nap in your new bed" I coo kissing him on the forehead before lowering him into the crib. I place a blanket over him and kiss him on the cheek "okay baby have a nice nap. Me and daddy will be right downstairs so we won't be far away from you" I say softly stroking his head as a little smile appears on his face. "I love you" I coo blowing him a kiss before walking away from the crib. I head over to the dresser and turn on the baby monitor machine and grab the baby monitor. "Okay let's go" I say turning to Kol whose stood by the door. We quietly leave the room, close the door a jar behind us and head downstairs.

End of chapter.

What did you think? Davina and Kol have moved. Things are so far good with them and baby Gideon. Davina's got leaky nipples (it's common for new mothers who breastfeed, apparently), Kol got a bit cheeky. What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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