My scepter

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Here's a new chapter, enjoy

Davina's pov

I kicked the Abattoir door open without a second thought and I storm inside, I sense my scepter near by in a room but as I go to head upstairs a man appears who I'm guessing is Marcel "so you decided to come. Finally I was just about to come after you" he says I glare at him "I didn't come here because you wanted me" I retort he turns to Kol who is stood beside me "I'm not surprised you're with her. Are you helping her carry out her plans to kill us?" he asks "excuse you? I have no plans to do such a thing I have better things to do than to execute a plan to kill you. I just came to get what belongs to me and then I'm going" I say "oh you mean your weapon. I'm afraid you're not getting it back since it's a threat to me and my people" he replies making me scoff "well I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed because I am getting it back. Now hand over the scepter please and know if you refuse I will tear this city down" I say he scoffs "no your scepter is now mine" he replies making me laugh "but it is not yours. You cannot wield the scepter nor do you know anything about it. Only I can wield it because it belongs to me" I respond putting my arm in the air and I feel a magnetic pull come from upstairs and I smirk as I hear it coming towards me. "What is that?" Kol asks beside me as crashing is heard from upstairs "it's my scepter" I reply two vampires appear and go to attack me but just as they do. My scepter arrives in my hand and I stab one of them in the chest with it and yank it out then I do a flip and wield the scepter around before cutting the other vampires head off. I glance back at Marcel "see I told you I'd get it back and now I will leave" I say with a snarl "you're not going anywhere. You murdered some of my men and now you will pay for it" he snarls "oh shut up Marcel. Your stupid vampires made the wrong decision by trying to attack Davina and it's your fault because you sent them after her. I advise you to leave her alone, don't mess with her if you know what's good for you" Kol says "she's dangerous Kol. How can you stand next to her after seeing what she did?" he asks "I'm only dangerous if you piss me off" I retort making Kol smirk "I'm growing pretty fond of her. She's not that bad you just don't like her because she's powerful and could easily kill you with her bare hands" Kol says "she's not normal" Marcel retorts "of course I'm not normal. I'm not from here now if you'll excuse me I must take my leave as I have much better things to do than stand here while you bitch and moan" I say he glares at me "if I don't kill you then his brother surely will. He will not stand for this Kol and you know it" he says "his brother will not dare hurt me. He seems like a smart man with anger issues but it's nothing I haven't seen or dealt with before and I'm sure after a little pep talk with me he will not view me as a threat" I reply grabbing Kol's hand ignoring the heat that rushes through my veins by simply touching his hand. Kol pulls me to him and vamp speeds away from the Abattoir and we suddenly appear outside the plantation 

"Well thank you for leading me to my scepter. I must go now" I say Kol frowns "why?" he asks "I don't know if you've noticed but I'm not exactly welcome here. I'm in a foreign land, I'm miles and miles away from home and I have no memory of how I got here and I must find out how I ended up here. I must regain my lost memories" I reply he sighs "just stay for a few days, I can help you" he says "thanks for the offer but there's no reason for me to stay here" I reply "where else will you go?" he asks I shrug "anywhere I suppose. Somewhere I can lay low and regain my memories in peace" I reply "let me accompany you then" he says I furrow my eyebrows at him "why should I?" I ask "because you have no idea what's out there. You have no idea where you're going and I think you could do with someone to keep you company. I could be the perfect tour guide for you" he responds "I'll think about it. Tonight I'll stay here I suppose but tomorrow I will leave this city" I respond he grins in triumph "that's good enough for me" he replies as he opens the front door. "Why are you so admittant on me staying?" I ask curiously as we enter the house "honestly because today I've had the most fun I've had in years"  he replies "getting attacked and killing vampires is the most fun you've had? Gee what have you been doing for the majority of your immortal life?" I ask as we walk up the stairs "either causing mayhem in villages or daggered in a coffin" he replies "you get daggered?" I ask he nods "it's the only thing that can temporarily kill me and my siblings except for my brother Klaus who can't be daggered due to him being a hybrid. Anyway Klaus tends to dagger us whenever he's pissed off or we've done something he doesn't agree with but he mainly daggers us to control us" he responds "well that's not very nice. You shouldn't dagger your siblings just because they disagree with you on something or because you piss them off" I say "tell that to my brother but it's what he does and I hate it more than anything. Being daggered is awful, you're just lying in a coffin and you can't hear or see anything around you, the only thing you see is darkness" he replies "that's awful don't worry if he tries to dagger you. I'll stab him with my scepter but I'll make sure to make it gentle as I wouldn't want to kill your brother" I reply he smirks and opens his bedroom door "you coming with me?" he asks "I better not. I'll sleep elsewhere" I reply "are you sure? I make a pretty good cuddle buddy if you're ever in need of one" he replies making me laugh "no I'm good. I don't need a cuddle buddy" I reply "are you sure?" he asks wiggling his eyebrows at me "yes I'm sure now goodnight. I'm going to sleep in the guest room and don't you dare think about sneaking into bed with me" I say as I walk away "aw how did you know I was gonna try that?" he asks in a teasing tone "because I see right through you now goodnight" I reply as I enter the guest bedroom and shut the door. I place my scepter in the wardrobe before stripping out of my clothes and climbing into bed. I look up at the ceiling thinking about what could be happening on Asgard right now. What are my father and uncle up too? Are they aware I'm missing? Are they worried? Do they miss me? 

No one's pov

Little did Davina know that her uncle was somewhere on earth after being banished by her grandfather and her father was starting to stir up trouble on Asgard.

End of chapter. What did you think? I know there wasn't really much but I'm building it up to some good stuff. Kol and Davina are forming a friendship. Davina is planning on leaving but Kol is delaying her leaving. Why does Kol want her to stay in New Orleans so bad? How will Davina regain her lost memories? What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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Daughter of a trickster God (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora