Lunch visit from Kol

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Three days later......

Davina's pov

For the past three days I've been at my spaceship with Rocket and Groot trying to fix it and make it work again, I've spent probably every hour of the day working on the ship which just seems to not want to work but I won't give up, I'll get it working again one way or another. I've had about three hours sleep the last three days as I've been physically and mentally occupied with working on the ship, making sure Rocket and Groot don't cause any trouble, making sure nobody finds us and constantly wondering about what may be happening on Asgard right now. I miss home, I miss my father, I miss my uncle, I miss everything about Asgard and I just want to get out of here as soon as possible but not before I make sure Hayley and her baby are safe. It might just be because I have a rather nurturing nature to my personality and I adore children but something's telling me to stay here in New Orleans and protect Hayley and her baby because if I leave something bad may happen to them and I can't let that happen. Her child is a gift to this realm, her child holds great power and could change the realm for the better and witches want to harm the child which is really horrible that they would dare to try and harm an innocent child. Anyway something's also telling me to stay because of Kol and I have no idea why but I just can't help but think of him no matter what I'm doing, he's stuck in my brain like one of those really cheesy songs Midguardian's like so much and it ends up staying in your head, repeating it's self over and over again and you just can't shake it until another cheesy song comes along. It's another reason why I've practically been camping out in my space ship and avoiding the Mikaelsons well except Hayley and Rebekah they've come out here to check on me and see how I'm doing and to make sure I'm eating and stuff as they've caught onto the fact I've been restless and they're concerned for me which is nice of them but there's nothing to be concerned about, I'm perfectly fine.

One other reason I'm bunking in my spaceship is because Rocket and Groot are here as Klaus refused to allow them into his house claiming 'he won't have any walking talking rat and freaky talking tree creature coming in his house' needless to say Groot really didn't like his comments and he stuck one of his branch fingers up his nose which took him by surprise and Rocket pulled out his gun on Elijah when he attempted to pull Groot off Klaus and the look of shock on his face at getting a gun pointed at him by a talking raccoon was hilarious and earned a few chuckles from Kol who just stood there looking amused by the whole thing. Anyway I managed to calm Rocket and Groot down and I got them away from Klaus but not before giving Klaus a slap across the face for disrespecting my friends and I warned him to be careful of the things he says to others in future particularly when it comes to other beings that aren't from this planet as most will not take lightly to such disrespect from someone and they will do worse to him than Groot did. Klaus was too stunned to reply so I just took off with Rocket and Groot but not before flashing them all my ever so famous mischievous smile, the one that is similar to my father's but is less devious.

I keep asking Rocket and Groot if they've heard anything about Asgard and my father and uncle but they said they hadn't been able to receive any news on Asgard recently as apparently Asgard is on lock down after an incident occurred involving the Frost Giants which got me really worried as they had a treaty with my grandfather that they would never cross Asgard or go there but somehow they had gotten past Heimdall which is impossible as he sees everything and nothing can get passed him as they need to go through him to get into Asgard. 

I was currently situated by the engine part of the ship, lying on the floor with my head stuck inside slightly and I was completely covered in dirt, oil and sweat from seeing with the engine. Rocket was sat beside me handing me equipment whenever I asked for one and Groot was well being Groot and fiddling with a yo yo Rocket had somehow managed to steal from somewhere in New Orleans. I have no idea how or where exactly he got it but I don't even bother to ask or scold him about it as it's just something he does, he was invented and taught to steal and he can't help it so I don't scold him about it which is why we get along so well. I don't dare judge him for what he does and I like his snarky attitude and he sees me as his savior since I rescued him from the Halfworld realm which is basically an insane asylum planet, the planet had been invaded by a evil warlord who wanted to capture him and his fellow friends and I had just arrived when he was about to kill Rocket for fighting back. I killed the warlord and took Rocket and healed him as he had a few injuries, I was going to take him back to Asgard but knowing my grandfather he wouldn't exactly understand Rocket and would just see him as thief or unable to control and put him in the dungeon. Don't get me wrong I love my grandfather, he's a great man but he has his faults and he doesn't quite understand that someone not may be able to help how they are and he's often quick to judge others based on their actions or the abilities they have. He often scolded me for using my powers inside the palace when all I did was turn invisible and scare some of the palace workers and I also tended to pull pranks on the maids when I was a child and my grandfather was never too happy about it and grounded me even though they were just harmless pranks that never hurt anyone and my father always praised me for them while my grandmother and uncle would always laugh.

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