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Here's a new chapter, I hope you like it.

The next day.....

Davina's pov

Me and the Mikaelsons were sat round the table in the dining room. My father wasn't present as he was still up in the guest room. He hadn't come out once yesterday like I hoped he would. He's yet to probably meet Kol. I know he's seen him but he hasn't tried to reach out to anyone or try to get to know my boyfriend and the father of my unborn child. It does upset me but I don't want to push my father into coming down as I know he will come down when he feels ready.

"So I have good news" Klaus speaks up "what's the good news?" Freya asks she's slowly fitting in and finding her place in the family but I don't think she likes me. Every time I'm in the room or near her, she gives me this weird look and I hate it. "Hayley is coming back in two days with Hope" Klaus replies "um is that such a good idea? I know Dahlia is somewhere out there and she will go after Hope if she's not in hiding" Freya says "Hope will be fine. No harm will come to her from Dahlia. As her godmother I won't allow it and I will protect her as I will and would with my own child" I respond "okay, I'm sorry but why are you her godmother?" Freya asks "because Hayley and Klaus made her Hope's godmother because she protected Hayley from being killed and she saved both Hayley and Hope from psycho witches and she delivered Hope" Kol explains giving her a glare, he's noticed the looks Freya's been giving me and he knows it's making me uncomfortable and he doesn't like it one bit. "Davina has proven herself to the family. She went out of her way to protect Hayley and Hope so that's why they chose her to be Hope's godmother" Elijah speaks up "okay but getting back to the subject of Dahlia. I don't think Hope should be brought back just yet not until Dahlia is dealt with" Freya responds "Hope's been away from her father long enough. She may be with her mother right now but she needs both of her parents. Hayley and Klaus can't let some wicked old witch get in the way of that. Everyone in this room can and will protect Hope plus like I've mentioned to you several times Hope is under the protection of not only me but also my grandmother Odin" I respond "exactly what she said. So with Hayley and Hope coming home in two days. I will be hosting a little party to welcome them home but mostly it will be to celebrate the return of my daughter. The wolves from the bayou will be present since they are part of Hayley's pack and they are loyal to her meaning they are obliged to protect Hope" Klaus explains "let's forget Oliver though. I hate that mutt" Kol says making me frown "who's Oliver?" I ask "a werewolf from Hayley's pack. He betrayed the pack and began working for Esther. He's a total dickhead" he responds "I never did like him" Rebekah says "well actually that's not true since you tried to sleep with him after he gave you a nice smile and danced with you when you first met" Kol points out earning a scowl from Rebekah "shut it Kol" she retorts throwing a fork at him "hey, no throwing forks around. They're to be used for eating, not throwing around" Elijah scolds as he turns a page in the newspaper he's reading. My ears suddenly perk up as I hear the door creaking and I look up to see my father entering the room, he's wearing a dark green tunic, black pants and black shoes, his hair is tied up. "Ah you've finally come down" Klaus comments while I pick up an orange and toss it at my father only for it to go right through him making me sigh "you're not even down here. You're still upstairs" I say "well I thought I would inspect everything before I come down. I didn't want to intrude on a family squabble which by the tension in the room I can tell I have missed" he responds "well send your duplicate self back upstairs and get your ass down here. Come and socialise" I respond he looks down at himself "in a way isn't this me socialising?" he asks "no because you're not actually here" I respond making him sigh "do I have too?" he asks "yes father. The Mikaelson have allowed you to stay here so please be a good guest and socialise with your hosts" I respond "I'm not the best at socialising though" he says "no you're just good at playing tricks on people" I retort "well people shouldn't be so boring" he retorts making me roll my eyes "just come down, okay and bring Trigger down. He's been stuck up there with you all day and night" I respond "well actually, he hasn't quite been stuck up there. He went out for a nice dinner last night" he responds "oh no, that's not good. Someone might've seen him" I say getting up on my feet "relax nobody saw him" he replies "how would you know that?" Freya asks "I'm sorry, was I talking to you?" my father asks sarcastically "it's just a question" she replies "yeah well I choose not to answer to the witch who has been giving my daughter dirty looks" he retorts "how do you know Trigger wasn't seen by anyone? And how do you know that Freya has been giving me dirty looks?" I ask before my eyes widen. "You left the compound didn't you? How did you leave without anyone hearing you" I ask "well in a way I didn't leave since I didn't personally go out myself. It was one of my duplicates that went out the compound as you call it. My duplicate went for a walk round the block with Trigger and I made sure he wasn't seen as he snacked on his midnight feast" he explains "we didn't hear your duplicate leave" Rebekah says "well you can't. I can choose whether my duplicate is heard or not plus I turned my duplicate invisible which is also how I know Freya has been giving my daughter nasty looks which I don't appreciate" my father explains glaring at Freya "so you've basically been spying on us with your duplicate?" Klaus asks "yes but only so I could be aware of what's going on. Nobody will tell me otherwise and I don't like being left in the dark" he responds "father instead of having your duplicate down here talking to us. Why don't you actually come down here, it would be nice if you did" I say making him sigh "alright, I'll be right down" his duplicate responds before turning around and walking through the wall. "How is it your father knows about witches?" Elijah questions "don't ask me. Ask him, he always has a way of knowing that sort of thing" I respond as I take a sip of my orange juice that was set out in front of me. 

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