What to do for fun

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Here's a new chapter, I'm really feeling positive about what's to come for this story, I've got so many ideas for it I just would like for it to get more votes and views so I know people are liking it. 

Two days later....

Davina's pov

For the last two days I've done nothing but sit in this big house as Klaus claims I should stay indoors and do nothing to avoid being found as he's paranoid about the attention I'll draw to New Orleans and he's having me watch Hayley which I don't mind doing but I'm not a babysitter and I'm sure Hayley is annoyed with how many people he's getting to look after her,  I know I would be. Anyway I suppose it hasn't been so bad Kol, Rebekah and Hayley have been great company, the girls are nice they do come across as bitchy especially Rebekah but I like that about them and Kol is odd he's kind and suspicious towards me but he's also very flirty with me like he can't seem to talk to me without touching my arm or calling me darling or babe I actually find it amusing yet baffling. I've been trying to figure out how to use my phone after Kol bought it for me, he set it up for me the day he got it and he's been teaching me how to use it and I'm doing okay so far but there's still things I haven't quite grasped yet like apparently mortals go through phases with their phones where they like to take selfies and send emoji's to people which I don't really get as they're just taking pictures of yourself but making yourself look cute with filters and sending smiley or frowny faces to people, I don't quite understand why mortals like it but I suppose it's a good way to pass time especially when you've practically been put on house arrest by a controlling hybrid even though I'm way stronger than him and I could very easily walk out the house without a care in the world but just to ease his mind and make him act like less of an asshole I'll do as I'm told for now but I won't sit in this house for long as I don't like being told what to do and I have memories to recover as it's important I find out how I got on earth as well as finding out what I was doing prior to crash landing on earth as I know I was on a mission a very important one at that but I don't quite remember what I was doing which is more important for me to remember. 

As of right now I was on my phone searching through the emoji's trying to figure out what some of them mean when Kol walked into the room "what's with the frown on your face?" he asks "I'm trying to understand what some of these emoji's mean" I reply he chuckles and vamp speeds over to me "well I can help you with that" he says as he sits next to me. "What's this one?" I ask pointing at one of the emoji faces "that is a winking face" he says "what does it mean?" I ask "that is an emoji you'd send if you were flirting with someone" he explains "I see and what about this one?" I ask pointing at another "that one's blowing a kiss so you would also send that to someone you're flirting with or your boyfriend or girlfriend or even a family member" he explains "what's this one?" I ask pointing to another "that emoji is rolling it's eyes so if you were replying sarcastically to a message or if you were annoyed you'd probably send that" he explains I sigh and shut the phone off "why is there so many?" I ask he chuckles "don't ask me love I didn't invent them" he retorts I shove my phone in the pocket of my jeans. "Well I've had enough of looking at emoji's for one day. I'm bored can we do something?" I ask with a pout on my face "it depends on what you want to do" he responds "anything as long as it means I don't have to sit around this dull house much longer" I reply he chuckles "is it really that dull?" he asks "don't get me wrong it's a lovely house but it just gets really dull when you've been sitting here doing nothing. I'm not use to sitting around all day" I explain "well then let's not stay in all day. Let's go out and do something fun" he replies "what do people do for fun here?" I ask "they do a load of things but here is the place you go dancing and looking at art and listening to street music" he explains "sounds fun" I say "wanna go now?" he asks "yes please get me out of this house before I die of boredom" I respond making him chuckle and he stands up and pulls me up with him. We quietly sneak out of the house without anyone seeing us and Kol vamp speeds us to the French quarter and I instantly hear music and I can smell something sweet "what's that delicious smell?" I ask "that would be the bakery. They make the best pastry desserts in New Orleans" he explains "I wanna try one" I say he grabs my hand and my body tenses up at the hot flash I feel when our hands touch but I shake it off and loosen up as Kol leads me to the bakery. 

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